The official and most atmospheric Children of Joonas thread

Atmosphere is when music creates something to your mind that isn't necessarily an emotion, but the situation and environment itself that causes emotions, but is indescribable in human terms. It can be haunting, mysterious, dark, depressing, elementary, sorrowful, lonely, happy... For example anger is not an atmosphere, but an emotion that can exist with a haunting, mysterious or dark environment. It's the collision of a certain environment and event. Emotion only comes as consequence, but they do not require each other. You can associate different kinds of nature into a soundworld and playing style, as music sometimes mimics the heart beats, mental vibration level, the flow of thoughts, physical elements. To me atmosphere in art consists of 3 factors: the Environment, the Event or subject that occurs in it, and the Emotion that it creates.
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I just want music to take me to another place. Without atmosphere it's just pointless noise. There has to be a certain energy, emotion and atmosphere. Music has to make me imagine what happens, where and what emotions it creates.
Seriously weird how my post about 'transference' disappeared when they announced a song named Transference, my post about Bodom / winter artwork disappeared when they released Halo of Blood artwork, my post about the necessity to play Warheart disappeared when they started a setlist with that song suddenly, and now my recent post about the necessity to play full Children of Decadence has disappeared when they played it full the first time. So weird. I can't find them, or someone deleted the posts so I couldn't claim it was my idea?
Seriously weird how my post about 'transference' disappeared when they announced a song named Transference, my post about Bodom / winter artwork disappeared when they released Halo of Blood artwork, my post about the necessity to play Warheart disappeared when they started a setlist with that song suddenly, and now my recent post about the necessity to play full Children of Decadence has disappeared when they played it full the first time. So weird. I can't find them, or someone deleted the posts so I couldn't claim it was my idea?

Damn, that sounds awkward.
I found the post search function, well, too busy to look around, but it was only a few posts before the new setlist was posted here.

Children of Decadence (full)

Children of Decadence is the fan favourite by voting, with a cult aura, just intense intensity, they should play it properly, especially as the solo section is great and important part of it. It would be a majestic song on the set again if they played it properly. Alexi's current vocals also fit that song, which is curious.

Well, I've been saying this many times, good to know there's eyes and ears somewhere listening to proper ideas. They might look like mental ramblings to someone who isn't in touch with the songs, but I actually think about this pretty deep.
If they truly read this stuff, wow, I did not expect it :D Anyway, COD is indeed their best song and the solo needs to be played as it is awesome.
Whatever they do with the next album I hope it's real metal with zero pop factor. I don't even care if they use the thrash sound anymore, I believe it can sound good if the riffs are intelligent and technically sophisticated yet with primitively raw vibes. I would suggest to get a darker soundworld, focus on their best elements, make something ruthless and creative. They need to sound darker and more epic than the last three albums... focus on menacing riffs, orchestral hits, creative drums, carefully thought-out screaming (more scarce than before, no unnecessary vocals), and arranging everything in unpredictable ways. Something doomy would be great to feast with the soundworld, but also something straightforwardly epic like SNBN. Pure horror metal with a taste for virtuosity.

Maybe the song in 100 guitars from hell can be arranged to an actual COB track for the new album, it would be a shame if those nice bits were wasted.
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The new In Flames live DVD is gonna be revolutionary. Can you imagine a COB live DVD with this quality? Look me in the eyes and tell me it wouldn't sell. With a carefully selected tracklist and other live magic of course to make it intense. I volunteer right now to give them all my best ideas for free.

Rob Zombie makes a good point about how people find it hard to listen to long albums despite them being good. I Worship Chaos is the longest Bodom album, (yet strange enough there's not as much musical information in songs so the songs feel short despite having long duration). 'It better be worth our time.' Just backing up what I've said earlier COB needs to make an album that's got shorter songs but richer in musical information.

The new In Flames live DVD is gonna be revolutionary. Can you imagine a COB live DVD with this quality? Look me in the eyes and tell me it wouldn't sell. With a carefully selected tracklist and other live magic of course to make it intense. I volunteer right now to give them all my best ideas for free.

So much bullshit in one post. First of all, In Flames is awful live considering Anders' voice is fucking laughable by this point. The dude can't sing, he can't growl. It's hilarious. That band just needs to stop. They have no original members left. In Flames died when Jesper left..

2nd, how fucking pretentious are you that you think that anyone in any band anywhere gives a shit about your delusional fanboy, monotonous banter? Shut the fuck up and realize that you're the only person posting in this thread in replies to yourself. There's something deeply fucked in your head for you to be preaching the same shit for 10+ years.

Go re-read that Janne quote until it sinks in ("stop posting asshole") and gtfo.
I know In Flames is a ghost of their past self. I said the DVD seems amazing.

About the rest, you have no clue. Your post is a pile of earwax and deserves no further reaction.
Back to topic... COB could try with the new album to integrate some good movie samples into the songs themselves, such as a suffering woman speaking over a drum / key section, led directly to a powerful verse, use your imagination over this sample 4:58 - 5:20. It could add nice dimensional contrast to the music and enhance the brutal feeling.

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