The Official Band/Project/Whatever (yours or anyones) Promotion Thread

I'm pretty damn happy with that cover art. It's almost exactly the opposite of what our original concept was (which involved the knight, queen and king of swords from the corum "swords trilogy", concept art below), and i don't really know much about what happened with that (i have been keeping myself out of the loop on this album since this is just getting old business taken care of) but Elric looks cool as shit. I think it was pre-existing artwork. Fuck if i know or really care, it's awesome and it's kick ass album artwork.

This is what the original concept was. it's cool, but i like what we have now much better. Just a quick note: The king of swords is supposed to have no facial features. We actually thought there was too much definition here, but whatever haha.
No-Face dude is creepy as hell...I like your actual cover art much better, looks great, especially the Skelator logo :kickass:

I'd recommend reading the Swords Trilogy, the characters are awesome.

We also have some news coming up very soon for our other release, the re-recording of the demo "Give Me Metal or Give Me Death". I'll let y'all in on that in probably about a week or two :rock:

Hail and Kill!
I dont know about Blind Guardian, Kamelot and those other bands but Dragonforce is sure to be toppled from their throne