The OFFICIAL FIFA World Cup 2006 Thread

Who will win the FIFA World Cup?

  • Total voters
england, brazil or argentinia but i hope not brazil

(now give my cat back gonzalo :D)
marduk1507 said:
Czech Republic is not in the poll, dont underestimate them, they are the best team in Europe (no, Greece is not!). But I voted for Brazil. :)

Czezh Republic isnt the bets of europe, but i agree they should've been in instead of Australia...

Europe > Usa

oh and at the moment togo is beating south korea
didnt get to see it cause i've got gay biology exam...who the fuck can explain me the duplication + inversion of hemoglobine???
Glycerine said:
didnt get to see it cause i've got gay biology exam...who the fuck can explain me the duplication + inversion of hemoglobine???

Ah thats easy.....

Watch the World cup :lol: