I love the way racialists try to justify their racism by speaking about the grey race theory (a result of all races mixing over generations to create a so-called faceless race).
By the time any such phenomenon truly occurs, the human race will be truly dead and gone anyway. Not only that, but change creates culture, it creates art, it cuts paths to new ways of thinking, to new languages, to advancement. Thus, evolution. However, a grey race will never exist, there is too much difference with politics and morals across the world for this to be realistic, and plus, as has before, geographic effects will provide characteristics to make races different again anyway, but again, the time line for all of this will be so long that its unlikely we will still be the dominant animal on this planet by that time as it is.
How fucking stupid can some of you immature brats be as to resist change? You want to go back to fucking your sisters and having deformed babies? Spearing your dinner? Wearing pig skin as underwear? Some of you people are so fucking dumb you'll believe anything anyone tells you, you're like horses with those leather caps on their eyes, only seeing in one direction!
Fucking wake up, it's the twenty-first century. Whether or not you like it, mixed race is the new race, mixed culture is the new culture. Get used to it, you're not going to be able to stop it and the whole world will move on while you try to continue being pseudo-intellectual trend setting racialists.
The most ironic thing is that those of you who proclaim how bad multiculturalism is are probably of mixed background anyway you fucking hypocrites, get over your insecurities. You're the fucking laughing stock of society and I for one am busting with mirth. I'd love to slap every single one of you narrow-minded cunts but in all honesty its not worth my time. As I advance and rise to new heights through acceptance, you will be sitting around with your speared boar, trying to figure out how to fucking light a fire without matches and cook it without a stove. Wow, that's hell fucking Viking. Stupid fucks.