The Official GMD Social/Pictures Thread

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hell yes they do! Athiest at atheist church telling the rest how much god hasn't done with their lives. Reading scriptures out of Newsweek and praising how much god had nothing to do with how messed up this world is. Passing around crackers and saying: "this is NOT the body of christ, its just a cracker"

Singing, in chorus, timeless classics such as, commies for christ, The Jews Killed Jesus, Poor jesus, christianity is stupid, and many others...
Weren't you off for the while?
I don't know what it is about getting all these messages from Christians talking about God lately, I got a text message today from someone I dont know's number and it wasn't a chain link and I was pissed over it because it said this. "Whats wrong with U" Psalms 27:1-14, and the verses whoever sent it were about having faith in God, it was probably some Christian I know that seen my MySpace religious status is atheist, I considered calling them over this and asking why they sent it and I know they live in this area because they got the first 3 digits as I do on the cellphone in area code and the one in front.
I did get to watch that anonymous DVD today, it was a good movie but it had those Christian parts I didn't want in there in it like Sting praying and him giving his life to Jesus at the end, good movie but had too much religious stuff, but I'm sure that's why I got it. :lol:
I don't know what it is about getting all these messages from Christians talking about God lately, I got a text message today from someone I dont know's number and it wasn't a chain link and I was pissed over it because it said this. "Whats wrong with U" Psalms 27:1-14, and the verses whoever sent it were about having faith in God, it was probably some Christian I know that seen my MySpace religious status is atheist, I considered calling them over this and asking why they sent it and I know they live in this area because they got the first 3 digits as I do on the cellphone in area code and the one in front.
I did get to watch that anonymous DVD today, it was a good movie but it had those Christian parts I didn't want in there in it like Sting praying and him giving his life to Jesus at the end, good movie but had too much religious stuff, but I'm sure that's why I got it. :lol:

Boy, you're easy to spam. Most people would've thrown that shit away without a second thought.
Its damned cold here

You get to be called a loser for having so many posts on an internet forum, because obviously posting a dozen or so times takes 15 hours to accomplish and therefore you have to be on the internet all day and have no life whatsoever.
Shiite Necuratul, you almost made me feel bad about my post count :erk:

Thank the gods I have this delicious butterfinger icecream!
^^^ Woah I didn't realize you were here this long. I haven't noticed your presence until recently. Were you gone for an extended period?
If you count it up, it's really not that bad or hard to get a high post count. You post 10 times a day for 365 days a year, that's 3,650 posts, do that for 5 years and you have over 15,000, really not hard to do, I posted on and off on here for a little while before I'm became a "full-time poster" earlier this year and over Christmas break.
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