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Yeah. I'm in an akward situation myself concerning church. My Dad makes me go to church and my atheistic beliefs totally go against what the Southern Baptist(or any other fundamentalist church for that matter) believes, it feels very awkward going, I hate that people may associate me with that fucking crowd.:mad: And yes my Dad knows I'm an atheist.
I'm not surprised if it was someone from some Baptist organization, my Dad did tell me that the members of the church I go to prsy for my salvation at the prayer meetings, but their prayers are in vain.:)

It was probably your dad who sent.
Yeah. I'm in an akward situation myself concerning church. My Dad makes me go to church and my atheistic beliefs totally go against what the Southern Baptist(or any other fundamentalist church for that matter) believes, it feels very awkward going

You're 18. You don't have to go to church or do something you do not want to. I mean what are your parents going to do put you in time out ha. Stand up.
^I did everything I could with words last time I had a big religious argument with my Dad, and it didn't work, it probably made matters worse but I really don't know what to do.
You could start inverting the crosses on the wall and your parents will think satan did it and is real!!!... but it's just U bluewizard!
^There are a couple crosses on the walls thorughout the house, and a picture of Jesus too, they're all in the dining room. There's angel statues all throughout the house though. Sounds like a good plan. :)
Either just don't go or talk to your pastor and explain your situation. My parents had me go for a little bit after I told them I was an atheist, but I was 12, so it's a little different. And yet I still work at that church as a janitor. I just go to church on fridays and clean toilets and sweep floors, as opposed to sundays and stand there like a dumbass for an hour.
^How liberal was the church denomination you went to? I seriously doubt the preacher at the church I go to would accept me being an atheist, he'd probably pull out some scare tactics and try to convert me with a lot of persuasion. And he probably supports what my Dad is doing too.
Take them to an athesit church.

Yeah, 'cause all the atheists go to the atheist church. :goggly:

From my understanding, it's pretty hard to stand up against your parents on something like religion. If they're brainwashed and fanatical enough, they'll either just ignore you, or if you actually get your point across, their heads will explode and they'll live the rest of their lives in agony that they didn't raise their child properly and that he/she's going to suffer eternal damnation. What can you really do in a situation like that, besides just smile and appease them?
I got confirmed a couple months ago, so I'm not obligated by my parents to go to mass. I do by my own choice. My church is relatively liberal, anyways.
Yeah, 'cause all the atheists go to the atheist church. :goggly:

hell yes they do! Athiest at atheist church telling the rest how much god hasn't done with their lives. Reading scriptures out of Newsweek and praising how much god had nothing to do with how messed up this world is. Passing around crackers and saying: "this is NOT the body of christ, its just a cracker"

Singing, in chorus, timeless classics such as, commies for christ, The Jews Killed Jesus, Poor jesus, christianity is stupid, and many others...
hell yes they do! Athiest at atheist church telling the rest how much god hasn't done with their lives. Reading scriptures out of Newsweek and praising how much god had nothing to do with how messed up this world is. Passing around crackers and saying: "this is NOT the body of christ, its just a cracker"

Singing, in chorus, timeless classics such as, commies for christ, The Jews Killed Jesus, Poor jesus, christianity is stupid, and many others...

Boy, wasn't that a real knee-slapper. :rolleyes:
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