The Official HALO 3 Thread

no joke

i think we need to spend some time in custom sniper games, so i can get better

You should try to focus on just hitting the person instead of getting headshots. I just try to get two shots on em

But I'll play custom snipes with you too. I won't be on until pretty late tonight, as I have an away game at 7.
I used to suck at snipers, bad.

Then the last time Team Snipers was double exp and I was trying to get to Staff Captain, I played and played and played. Eventually I got decent. I once had a 27 kill game (snipers, ranked) on Standoff. Had a 25 kill game on Last Resort (team slayer) before that game.
Well flesh, 1349, and I played some ranked matches today and fucking dominated. SONS OF NORTHERN DARKNESS REPRESENT

And right now I'm really only good for really late in the evening or during the day as playoffs are going on right now.

And I'm going to put Clan Leader - Sons of the Northern Darkness in my bio. We should establish guidelines for the joinage of our clan, like being a member of UM.
Mathiäs;7457897 said:
Well flesh, 1349, and I played some ranked matches today and fucking dominated. SONS OF NORTHERN DARKNESS REPRESENT

And right now I'm really only good for really late in the evening or during the day as playoffs are going on right now.

And I'm going to put Clan Leader - Sons of the Northern Darkness in my bio. We should establish guidelines for the joinage of our clan, like being a member of UM.

D00d, we pwned the noobs for sure. SoND slayed all who stood against them, it was glorious.

SoND gonna win MLG championship.