The Official HALO 3 Thread

Holy shit. I just reactivated my account after a month of not playing and I am fucking dominating. The first game was team slayer and at one point the other team was all in approximately the same place and I killed them in succession by myself with an assault rifle. It was beautiful pwnage.
so, when are we gonna get this clan together? we should get everyone interested into a custom game just to play around
I went up like 8 levels today, and I won a majority of the games I played. Not bad after a Halo-free month.

Somebody should just make a clan and everybody can join it or something.
Hi grimmy! :wave:

And ok, we'll start the clan. The question is what we should call it. And we'll all have to have the same avatar and shit or whatever too. I'm thinking:

-Team UltimateMetal
-Clan UM

or some shit like that.
I like my emblem, its brutal (its my new avatar). I'll throw out some names for the clan

Metal Hordes

Slayers of Ultimate Metal

Gr1m and Frostb1tten Legions

Fluffy Bunnies Sunshine Club

... just throwing those out there. :)