The Official HALO 3 Thread

I was playing Team Snipers (Doubles) on Isolation and this guy came running around the corner into the thing where the shotgun is and I just pulled the trigger by instinct and no-scoped him right in the face.

Legendary Brawl is gay as fuck. Especially Rockets. So much lag and shit.
I am so fucking pissed. I cannot rank up for fucking nothing. Then I lose one game (I had fucking 22 kills) and I rank down. Bungie is fucking horrible. FUCK
Few things I've done yesterday/today in Halo:

-Got a Killing Frenzy in ranked.
-Got a Perfection in Team Snipers. (DBL EXP Social but whatever)
-Ranked up to Staff Captain.

All I need to do now is get to level 30. I'm so close, highest ever rank was 26 in doubles but I went down 2 levels to 24 because of really fucking good players. Ridiculously good players. Fuck I want to be a Major. I'm working on getting there in Lone Wolves by going up 2 levels a day (sitting on 16 now). I play in the morning so less of a chance of good players playing.
I havent played in a few weeks, I might in a little while though. If I do I hope I get to play swords and I hope to god that I dont have any lagging whatsoever. Lag is usually the only reason I lose swords, I fucking pwn. Last time I played I had like 2 killing sprees, a killing frenzy, a couple double kills. It was awesome.
I'm playing my new account (Dream Theaterz) in doubles and have gotten to 31 so far. I'm ranking up pretty quickly, I want to get to 50 so I can start enjoying Halo by playing all the fucking awesome variants like swat and MLG

@1349/FM/anyone who hasn't posted their gamertag: post your gamertag! We could have a UM Clan called ~UM CLAN~
I played a bit again today, and didn't completely suck. I had played way too much Call of Duty 4 and gotten out of the swing of things, but I'm ready to start playing more X Box in general. I'll join this clan if it does happen.
my gamertag is hellhammer13
Is level the same thing as highest skill level? Im like a 18 or 19 right now. Once I get a TV for my room I'll be playing a lot, I'm busy all day and by the time I have time to actually play usually everyone is asleep so I cant play out in the living room without turning down the sound. Fuck that, I need to hear the noobz sneaking up on me so I can pwn them.

Edit- since we're calling dibs on positions I call Clan Lardo (my nickname is Fat Dustin, even though Im not fat)
ATTN ADDO OV NEX: I really fuckin need someone to play doubles with on my new account (changed the name to Hammer Oo) because I've had horrible teammates who either quit or die 15+ times and betray me. PLEASE HELP!
My brother has a friend over, but I should be able to get on for about an hour or so. Just add me and I'll play a few rounds. I should be able to get back into swing after a round or two.