The Official HALO 3 Thread

I know how you feel. I once racked up 19 on Standoff only to lose because of my shitty ass team.

EDIT: O/T: You ever go to Mr Smalls Theatre?

standoff is the shittiest map ever

i just had to rack up 20 kills to win a 4v2 against 2 really lucky kids and with a shitty team on my side again

and whats mr smalls theatre?
my gamertag is sgt t pain

and standoff annoys me, i like it for shotty snipers but its too much open space for me, it would make a good btb map thought but i hardly play those
i LOVE standoff. me and my friend grimmy always tear it up in the warthog. i'm the driver and she's the gunner. we're an awesome team

gold: add me. my GT is... genocide roach

i'm up to 19 on team slayer. one more and i get captain. ive been doing horrible the last couple days though
Standoff fucking rules. I've never lost there. If I have a good driver (genocide is good, so is Addo of Nex and Coward101) then I easily get 25+ kills.

I have 31 exp and 18 skill with my Hammer account
Mathiäs;7218064 said:
Standoff fucking rules. I've never lost there. If I have a good driver (genocide is good, so is Addo of Nex and Coward101) then I easily get 25+ kills.

I have 31 exp and 18 skill with my Hammer account

18 skill level? That's where I'm at in Team Slayer, maybe we should play sometime.

ZeroHG is the GT, just don't ask me to drive :lol:


Team Slayer: 3/3
Lone Wolves: 2nd (Slayer on Epitaph)
Ranked Big Team: 2/3
Doubles: 3/3
Now I'm at 86exp with 40 highest skill, but 'm stuck at 38 because I've been absolutely horrible lately. I'll add you once I get a new controller
I need to start playing a bit more. I've been dying to play a few good games, but I can't peel myself away from the computer.

I'm probably rusty as all hell now, knowing my luck.
I've been having the worst luck imaginable, it's been so bad I don't even want to talk about it. I threw my controller as I hard as could into my wall so now I can't turn left. I played one social game today and still got 13 kills

I can't wait till I'm done with school so I can play all day
My friend and I had the greatest Team Slayer game a couple nights ago. It was us 2 against 4, since two of our guys quit at the beginning. It was on Guardian, and we wound up winning 50-41. 28 kills for me, 21 for my friend. Should have saved the video.
i keep bouncing between 18 and 19 on team slayer. i'm quite frustrated. me and the grimmy ran riot on standoff last night though. not even stickies could stop our warthog
Finally got to level 20.

I hit First Lieutenant then I played Team Doubles to 20.

So now I'm a Captain Grade 3, I think I might go for Staff Captain. I have about 420 exp and need 600 for it. It's dbl exp weekend too.
i love grifball!!!

got a killamanjaro (7 kills within 4 seconds of eachother) today and a couple exterminations (single handedly wipe out a team with atleast an overkill).
I hate fags on Halo.

Some 13 year old was looking at my stats while waiting for the Social Slayer game to start, and he comments out loud "This guy (me, Melodeath) has over 200 EXP and has only reached Lvl. 8 lol"

What a fuckin faggot. Sure I've played over 200 games, but only 30 of those were ranked. I told him he was an idiot, since he clearly didn't notice I don't play ranked.

Then after the Social Slayer game, the kid's team won, and at the end of the game you could hear him say "laugh laugh laugh" trying to get his team to laugh at me/my team because we lost. I guess he didn't realize we could fucking hear him being an idiot, commanding his team to laugh, trying to make it seem like they laughed on their own. Ironically, I got just as many kills as the kid, and we happened to get matched up again in the next Social Slayer game and I stomped his ass.

There are so many idiots who play Halo online