The Official "Help Zane-X Find A Woman" thread!!!!


Alone Within My Lunacy
Sep 4, 2001
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O.K. I'm asking all "Neverheadz" to help me find my next "lover/soul mate". I've caught HELL for "hitting" on Isabel & thinking "firewalkjen" was having her period and so on, etc... Therefore, I'm asking for suggestions from all of you.

I have a myspace page For pictures, info, etc...

So, I guess my ultimate mate would have to like the same bands as myself and be open-minded about music. Like to go to concerts and like to watch movies, college basketball, football, etc... I don't like women that wear alot of make-up and are "plastic". I basically like women that like to talk about relevant subjects/current events, music, good food, etc... I don't like women who are plastic and materialistic and demanding. Not to be rude but I like a women who would like to have sex "in a field, car, elevator, bathroom, etc..." Extra points for a lady who likes Nevermore, Coors Light, Pizza, Horror Movies, and Family Guy/Metalocalypse.


Step 1: Always ensure they're 18.

Step 2: Don't ask about menses unless you speak to them often enough they know you're not a pervert.

Step 3: This probably isn't the board to ask, unless you want the advice of Derick and Cara.

for further lulz look at the link i think it's about the 3rd or 4th one down...
Step 1: Adhere to the Muslim faith
Step 2: Die

That's probably the easiest way, next to investing in prostitution.
I don't think I could ever grow the balls to try something like that, its scary enough a lady would mail herself to a random husband, but that the guy would PAY for her? :erk: