The official "I fucking hate Dragonforce" thread

eaeolian said:
Timo's good, but not better than Yngwie-back-then. Now? Possibly.

Marcel's awesome, but a totally different school, IMO...
I just said Marcel because he is a fatty that can shred. Weight doesn't have to do with shredding. Surprisingly, even drumming. I have no idea how the hell Nicolas Barker and Gene Hoglan can drum the way they do.
I wanted this thread to be about dragonforce/power metal bashing, which it was for a while, and then i was pleasantly surprised when it momentarily turned to star trek bashing... but whats with this talk of fat shredders and positive discussion of power metal bands? I will not have it.
I don't like the vox. The music is ok, but I would prefer it thrashier, but then every power metal band would sound like a clone of nevermore ;), few can thrash like they do, they make you wanna headbang until you fall unconscious, drunk, in your own vomit onto the ground. :D:D:D
guitarguru777 said:
Damn, look at the size of those fingers. It reminds me a little on Married With Children when Al had to stop himself from making fun of fat women. So a fat woman came in and said how slim and cute her toes are and Al goes "yeah, for sausages". Even though I'm talking about Yngwie's fingers, it just reminded me of that.
perniciosa said:
I think this band does not deserve such a long thread...
You do realize that this thread had nothing to do with Dragonforce for a few pages already right?
Metal head87 said:
You do realize that this thread had nothing to do with Dragonforce for a few pages already right?
Yp, it was just my side observation and late oppinion
Metal head87 said:
Damn, look at the size of those fingers. It reminds me a little on Married With Children when Al had to stop himself from making fun of fat women. So a fat woman came in and said how slim and cute her toes are and Al goes "yeah, for sausages". Even though I'm talking about Yngwie's fingers, it just reminded me of that.

Michael Romeo is an amazing guitarist but apparently being fat matters so much to some of you people.

Guess it has to be posted >.>

Weazel said:
Michael Romeo is an amazing guitarist but apparently being fat matters so much to some of you people.
I just praised a couple of fat guitarists. I was just making fun of Yngwie's fat fingers, but I won't say he cannot do his job. I think he is overrated and there are shredders I enjoy more, but he's still great.
EricT said:
On the wiiiiiiiiiiings of life, by the haaaaaaaaaaaaands of hope,
by the briiiiiiiiiightest light, from the briiiiiiiiiiightest sun,
crossing siiiiiiiiiiiiilent seas, over moooooooooountains high,
to the vaaaaalleeeeeeeeeey oooof the daaaaaamned!

Please see my myspace to hear this song. :loco:
Weazel said:
Michael Romeo is an amazing guitarist but apparently being fat matters so much to some of you people.

Guess it has to be posted >.>


Yea and hes also not a complete and total prick. Hes actually a really really nice guy whos not stuck in 1984, doesnt wear leather and doesnt wear more gold than Mr. T ...

Romeo is a normal genuinely nice guy who can shred the fuck out of a guitar.