The official matchmaking thread

Cerulean said:
Still waiting for the e-sex aye, what's taking so long :mad:
i wasnt actually :Smug:

i reckon you vultures are waiting for some e-homemade porn eh :loco:

Eos! :yell: come and hide me from this terrible e-realityyyyyyyyyy!!
What about some gay porn?

toolsofthetrade said:
@ Shelly: dear b-e-loved,
:yell: what shalleth thou answereth to my proposal my lov-e?
Oh dear, this is e-confusing me!! My little innocent heart is touched deeply by this beautiful e-words
! and how could it e-ver e-resist to such a romantic e-proposal
.. But will he e-love me e-ven when the e-vil uncle Archenar causes some e-vil e-rumours by his false e-pics? Will he be able to e-resist the lovely Sophia and Mehdi? Oh, my little heart e-tells me that there is not a more e-honourable e-husband and no greater e-gentleman in this great e-world we are wasting our young precious e-lives in!! But how could I e-ver act against Father Strangelight's e-will? Oh my, what a terrible e-destiny!
Oh, what an e-life it would be having to e-hide the e-love which is e-connecting us? Such a e-beautiful day in my e-life this should be and tho so e-dark..
. Oh my e-precious send me a sign!! Tell me what to e-do to e-nd this e-misery??
marginalé said:
@susie: what means to helicopter??

@tools: yes you can order a shitload of beer

@everyone: you can all come to poland and be a part of the date :) (as we are gonna try to have the date there, we even have a band playing on our date ;) , so join in)