The Official off/non topic THREAD

Morticia NL.

Orphaned sister
Folks, get yer rantings in -overhere- We have built a great community overhere in the forum, but we do tend to be O.T.-ing a lot. As you might realize, that could seriously scare off some newbies coming to this forum.
So why not open a thread for this single purpose and keep the rest a bit more readable?

Fire away! :cool:
Ah, I will start the thing. I'm all fired up this morning. Why? Stuff like Facebook. I HAVE to be present there, because I want to get the OL message out there and promote the shop and site. But boy o boy do I get tired of people there! Whenever something is posted, they scream: you have to give translation in this or that language, cause I can't read it (and actually there is translation in 8 languages, but they don't even click the link to see, they just complain). You have to explain why you did it, cause I'm angry. Give the link to this or that.
WTF! apparently it is too much work to google and find the info yourself?? Maybe they are afraid to stumble upon a boobytrapped link on the internet? Afraid to get lost in cyberspace if they tread beyond the confinement of the network sites?
Damn, I remember when the net was fun and you would surf just to find weird sites where you got inspiration or info.
BAH HUMBUG *thanks for listening, think I'm done now*
The FaceBook OT: Yep, FaceBook does suck, and a big time:

And more:

Moreover, 5% of FaceBook's stock share in now owned by a big Russian media company belonging to Putin, so FaceBook is an intelligence database for both USA's secret services and for Russia's ones.
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Nathalie: mode Rebellion [ON]

Most of people just wait for the infomation and do not make any effort to find it by themselve! :) it's a reality, so keep your cool. and as we say in France "pète un coup" I should stop it now. I'm sorry I can't stop say this since yesterday, I use this expression in every sentences :p
Nathalie, I'm sure others [including myself] might have said this before, but your contribution to the OL cause is priceless. It really sucks that you have to tie other's shoe laces at every given instant, I hope you aren't plagued by e-lazy guys in the future.
This might get a bit long.
I haven't been using the comp for the past few days because of a few kickass things happening right now. One of it is something known as the 'mela' at school which is something like a carnival but emphasizes on people's talents, i.e. works of various forms of art. Also a bunch of 12th graders from a sister school in California are here. It's incredible how close one can get to a bunch of guys who are complete strangers and live halfway across the globe. My school [my second and last year here] is kinda different and also located on the outskirts of Bangalore, bordering a forest. There's a crazy focus on love for the arts and nature while based heavily on the teachings of the philosopher J. Krishnamurti [though I might disagree with it sometimes]. Just to give an idea, here are some pics:


<- Krishnamurti Study Centre

Basically, those kids from that school are here in India for a month and spend 3-4 days in my school [which has a community of sorts living on campus]. One of em were assigned to go home with one of us for the whole 'Indian' experience. It's ridiculous really, how one can get to know someone so well in such a short span of time. The guy who came home was a first gen son of Iranian immigrants, who were really big under the Shah before the revolution. It was brilliant talking about our cultures [his upbringing has a big Persian angle] while laughing and joking about quite literally the same things. I also met this Korean dude who was funny as fuck and we did a lot of stupid shit.
I guess its just weird bidding farewell to a group of people you've so recently met and I had to do so a few hours back. That was one heck of an experience. Also, the presentation that I spoke of recently went on much better than expected and it was amazing seeing people's reactions to what I had in store for them.
Hehe, may I clean up all OTs at most important threads now?

Could you please move them to one thread that you create for that?

@ Ananth, thanks for the vote of confidence! It's ok again now. :)

This school looks great and I am eager to learn what lecture you did. You already get points for the lecture just for doing it, I'm horrified to speak in front of a crowd.
If one is into philosophy and nature and happens to visit South India without the intent of the usual consumeristic sight-seeing, I'd recommend them to visit the Krishnamurti Study Centre. It's quite a spiritual experience sitting in that room [the third pic] .

@ Nathalie: Well, it's kinda very basic from the forum point of view but this was the third and final installment to a series of lectures I'd done on many things heavy metal as well as culture in general. It was dispelling many ridiculous misnomers such as Metal = mass junkie movement and the mutual exclusivity of traditional cultures and western heavy metal and also how we're supposedly misanthropes indulging in arson. I also explained how it's an entire universe with people divided on political, religious, ethical, intellectual [we do have beer-belly 'we're metchulll, yeaaaaah!!' guys on one hand and introspective, intelligent people like Steven Wilson on the other] and even musical terms, how one could find elements of virtually any form of music with the X factor namely metal. I even showed how that could change the dynamics of the same song [Sapari]. I also did quite a bit of OL propaganda spread :D But maybe it's not propaganda when I openly say that I'm doing that intentionally. I touched on virtually everything serious that happens in this little community of ours, including that little incident on the facebook page. I had done quite a bit on the Mabool triangle and the conflict of it's constituents, etc etc last time around but this time 'Lay down your swords... ' and the photo had a greater impact.

Orphaned Land's approach to metal and Kobi's contribution in the form of the words he said on the Global Metal documentary changed the views of quite a few parents and teachers. I was quite touched when a parent actually wrote a little poem called ' The Warrior Of Light ' at this big cultural programme the next day [which needs a bit of a mention later :D]. Egotistical I might be, I'm glad I'm somehow pitching in with spreading the word.

I like speaking in front of a crowd :D I may forget things that I had planned to say as a result of not maintaining pointers or having written down a script, but that's not my style. I somehow feel the emotion isn't conveyed while reading out of paper and that little extra emotion scores over the tad bit of information.

P.S. Thanks Anton for sharing Michael Levy's rendition of the Hurrian Hymn, that was quite a hit!
Damn you Anton! How the hell did you get hold of all that music?!
I'm slowly checking out all those cool bands that I haven't heard before, thanks to your sig.
Here's a good place to introduce myself to this forum.

I've just started listening to Orphaned Land this week. I pretty much ordered Mabool as soon as I heard excerpts of it - they're just what I was looking for. Heavyness with a middle eastern twist. It's also great to see how it's united peoples that are so against each other. I'm Christian but love particular bands of other faiths, why can't we all?
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Yeah, I read Steven Wilson is producing it? I'm a big fan of Porcupine Tree so it can only be amazing.

Ta for the Oriental Metal links Postmodernist.