The Official PPUSA IX 'Regrets' thread


Tigron of Immanion
Feb 12, 2002
Atlanta, GA
I figured I'd get this traditional post-PP thread rolling this year....

Regrets from PPUSA IX (probably incomplete since I'm tired and sick):

  • Not getting to meet a few Forum people I'd been hoping to (7thSavior, Gamefreac, Kimavir, and some others)
  • Missing out on some bands' sets that I wanted to see, notably Iron Savior and most of IE and Andromeda
  • Not bringing more camera batteries
  • Not bringing at least one pair of shorts to wear
  • Not bringing more CD liners to consider getting autographed
  • Not parking in that parking deck north of the R.I. Mostly-free is better than $19/night
  • Picking up the ProgPower Plague by late Sunday/Monday (tiredness/headache/SORE throat/no voice/coughing)
Regrets, really too many to mention but here are the most important:

Not getting to hang out more with Pellaz, Hoyt, Patrick, Yippe and Yardley and others. They were really too busy and so was I, plus the road trip to Tampa damn near did me in.
Missing Mustasche due to bad, bad timing.
Picking up the Plague myself, but not so bad right now.
Bobby Williamson having to leave early.
I regret missing Midnight (lol), Eclipsed by Sanity, and Circle II Circle.
- Not introducing myself to people I recognized from the forums
- Not booking the damned hotel for two nights .. or three.
- Not stocking said hotel with booze and food
- Not parking in that same deck Pellaz referred to because I was staying at that same hotel
- Not picking up more SAVATAGE from the vendors (I really want Gutter Ballet now .. but snagging Sirens was nice :) )
- Not being in the pit for Gamma Ray. I had no idea the sound was going to be good on the floor .. it almost never is.
- Not buying the MIGHTY BOOSH radio series prior to ProgPower. That would have made my drive much more fun at 3am
- Not staying Wednesday night for Circle II Circle and one very confused (and pissed :p) forum member .. but I had work the next morning at 5am and my back was killing me
- Forgetting my sweatshirt at home. I was freezing all weekend in the airports and at night on the Res Inn patio.
- Forgetting my lanyard. I looked like a n00b with only one badge :lol: Seriously, I'm glad there were lanyards for sale for dolts like myself.
- Inadvertently missing Pathosray.
- Forgetting my Nightmare Records and Justdefy shirts so I couldn't 'represent'
- Not having better shoes. This is the first time I wore flats but I am used to having some kind of a heel, so my feet were aching in a whole new way. Plus, not having a bit of a platform on my shoes caused my feet to be wet from soaking up beer and whatever else on the ground. That sucked in more ways than I can explain.
- Not paying much attention to the Midnight set. I was there but can't comment on it other than not enjoying it much.
- Not having enough time to meet/talk to everyone whom I wanted to like Lance King, Michael & Kelley, Bobby, and Metalrose.
- Not taking time to catch-up/get reacquainted with many of the bands I wanted to see. I realized I had forgotten many songs I once knew quite well, particularly from Rob Rock, Amorphis, SUE, and IE.
I figured I'd get this traditional post-PP thread rolling this year....

Regrets from PPUSA IX (probably incomplete since I'm tired and sick):

  • Not getting to meet a few Forum people I'd been hoping to (7thSavior, Gamefreac, Kimavir, and some others)

  • Sorry dude I didn't even go...I wasn't very familiar with most of the bands I'm just getting into Prog/Power honestly

    I just went to Hellish Rock haha
I regret not getting to spend more time with people I only get to see once a year as it is. We sat for most of the show, but refuse to be the ones to leave random crap on a chair to "reserve" a seat. So we stayed put during set changes, and took turns skipping bands to go to dinner. As a result, I probably only spent 15 minutes this year chatting with people. I didn't even see Pellaz this year.

I regret not knowing Georgia was in the middle of a gas shortage until I was driving around with my "You Really Should Think About Getting Gas NOW" light on, past 8 gas stations with no gas. Talk about surreal.

I regret not having the budget this year to get more CDs. I usually get a couple of dozen, but I walked away with two CDs and a DVD.

I regret that I still have never made it down for a Wednesday night pre-pre-show.

I regret not getting more/better pictures. I decided to stay in my seat and use my 300mm lens, and the smoke across that distance (even with the great reduction in smoking this year) really affected the final outcome. Next year, I'm getting off my lazy ass for photos.
Not getting to meet a few Forum people I'd been hoping to (7thSavior, Gamefreac, Kimavir, and some others)

*blush* I didn't realize I posted enough to be interesting, hahaha! I saw you a couple times, but was ever able to say hi. It's probably because most of those times were Friday night when you were in front of the rail (with your fancy badge :p) while I was glued to the other side of it awaiting Amorphis.

My regrets:

  • Priceline messing up my hotel reservations, costing me a good $400 and my roomies about $150 each.
  • Not being able to attend the Wednesday show.
  • Glenn not being more in charge of the Hellish Rock show. I caught two... count em, two bootleggers. No rewards for me :(
  • Drinking a tad too much on Saturday... IE's set is just a bit blurry for me.
  • Still seeing double after IE and missing kicking it with Katie :p
  • Not talking to more of the forum gang.
  • Being such a huge Amorphis fan that I got embarrassingly excited on Friday. Wait... no...
Fortunately, my list of "regrets" gets shorter every year, but here are a few...

Not enough socializing time – *especially* not getting to spend more time at the SymX and Forum lunches, since they were on the same day.

Not haggling with the Residence Inn for a reduced rate. (I can’t recall who posted this on another thread, but I wish I’d thought to do this!!)

Not doing a better job with my “homework”. I bought CDs early in the year from all the bands, but I somehow ran out of time to give them all a good listen. I definitely enjoy the sets more when I know most of the songs.

I *sort* of regret not taking advantage of the band signings…but on the other hand, the lines were often so long that I probably would have missed some great music. I can live with that one.
My only regret is not really introducing myself/talking to Iron Savior. I caught Piet when he was being hogged by Drew, said hello, told him he was awesome, then walked away. :lol:
my one regret is that i am not the most out-going person to just go up and introduce myself to peeps i wanted to meet....i have no problem going up to a band member.....but a forum member...o_O....

i wish i was more like my Abyssinian cat, daphne...she has no
I regret TOTALLY SCREWING UP my Saturday morning meet-up with Kaspar Mads and Martin to take them to Guitar Center and the Atlanta Bass Gallery. I wanted to treat them to a whole slew of fancy American musical products that they just can't get to try out over in Denmark. I totally dropped the ball by not knowing that the Inn at the Peachtrees USED to be a Best Western. I drove up and down Peachtree and Spring frantically trying to find them. I'm such a hack shuttle-bus driver. :erk: :cry: :cry: :ill:

I regret not staying to meet the Iced Earth crew.

I regret not hanging out at the Granada to just absorb the after-party vibe. Each year I mean to, and each night I'm wiped out and ready to crash.

I regret not having a stronger liver to keep up with Manticora's drinking skills. :heh:

I regret the "detour" through the 17th street bridge.

But the whole week's worth of AWESOME offsets any sour-faces from the festival in any way!!!
  • Not getting to say good bye to a ton of people but it always seems to happen that way every year..
  • Not living just a tad bit closer so we could've stayed and had one last breakfast with Pathosray and Jill
  • Having to say good bye to my Italian brothers (I'm totally taking you guys up on the invite to Italy!!!)
  • Not having a video camera to record Marco's antics at the hotel and at Madison Grille.. a few moments, tho it was a blessing :lol:
  • Not remembering some of the great lines that were said thru-out the weekend so I can post them in the thread!!!!
  • and a regreat and a blessing - not going totally and completely f'n nuts like the rest of the place when Fates Warning was announced - but it gave me a chance to watch & take in the hysteria - you would've thought Oprah was giving away cars again :lol: (I am not poking fun - that was one of the best things I've EVER seen!!!)
Missing both days thanks to having to go back home for money, and having my car's engine seize 10 miles from home.
Wow, that's the saddest thing on this thread, dude. That just SUCKS! :cry:

I regret:

* Not getting the chance to talk each and everyone of my friends as long as possible. With the list I've accumulated over the last six years, I don't think it's possible, but I do regret it.

* Not spending enough time with Alisha on her birthday. We both kept trying but kept get pulled away.

* Trying to have a conversation with Midnight after his set.

* Packing too much stuff.

* Not having as many side projects this year thus limiting my spending at the vendors. Also regret not bringing the wish-list I made up, therefor having trouble remembering what I wanted.

* Not having the stamina to hang out at the Granada Porch Party on Sat. night. I was having a beer in the window of my room watching y'all though! Still didn't get to bed 'til almost 6AM

* Rushing to the airport only to wait forever because of flight delays.

Edit: Oh I forgot! I regret, once again, leaving the poster on the wall. I never take it home for myself but usually give it to someone who wants it. Did anyone take it? I just hate for it to simply be thrown out.
I regret missing the Wednesday pre-show, and Manticora at the Hellish Rock Show. I also wish I would've had more time to see all the bands, but with block exams starting yesterday, I kind of had to make sacrifices if I wanted to do well on my tests.