The Official PPUSA IX 'Regrets' thread

Well I'm jimi & sorta a nooby @ ProgPower USA, this was my girlfriend & I's second PP USA event! But this year we actually got to stay for two days, but I most definitely regret missing Circle II Circle & Eclipsed By Sanity on wednesday night & also The Hellish Rock Show on thursday:wave:!!! But I saw Helloween back in 03 & I know them & gamma ray both kicked ass!!!:headbang: But more regrets, I regret having to miss the after show party @ The Granada w/ Iced Earth & more importantly not meeting or even talking to one of my all time favorite metal vocalist of all time- MATT DA FUCKIN' MAN BARLOW!!!!:cry::worship: I also regret not talking to Piet & The Iron Savior guys!!! D'OHH!! I regret missing Mustasch, Elvenking & Andromeda, but there was a good reason behind that! :cool: But my biggest regret next to the Matt Barlow Faux Pas, is that I wanted to meet & talk to all the very, very cool people who are on this forum also & who only come here once a year for this awesome event & don't live in the ATL like I do! Sorry y'all!:cry: :wave:
Missing both days thanks to having to go back home for money, and having my car's engine seize 10 miles from home. DO get to join Jim Raggi amongst the kvlt ranks of "sponsors who actually don't see their own bands."

(Actually, Exploding Ned himself is part of that l33t group, too....)

....So we stayed put during set changes, and took turns skipping bands to go to dinner. As a result, I probably only spent 15 minutes this year chatting with people. I didn't even see Pellaz this year.

I was gonna ask you in the "PP between-sets music" thread if you had actually attended this year, since I didn't see you either. :)

*blush* I didn't realize I posted enough to be interesting, hahaha! I saw you a couple times, but was ever able to say hi. It's probably because most of those times were Friday night when you were in front of the rail (with your fancy badge :p) while I was glued to the other side of it awaiting Amorphis.

You still coulda said "hi" or something.... :)

Not haggling with the Residence Inn for a reduced rate. (I can’t recall who posted this on another thread, but I wish I’d thought to do this!!)

I had some issues with my room and such, and I talked them into a slight discount at the desk upon checkout. I could have gotten more taken offf, but -- alas -- I wasn't THAT greedy.

My regrets:

Not being there
See you all next year, though!

I was gonna go back and add you to my list in the initial post on this thread, but now I won't, since you weren't there. :p

Edit: Oh I forgot! I regret, once again, leaving the poster on the wall. I never take it home for myself but usually give it to someone who wants it. Did anyone take it? I just hate for it to simply be thrown out.

Aww, shit, if I'd known that I'd have gone back in after it....or called my old roommate Tim and had him grab it for us, since he was still inside until close to 3am. :(
I figured I'd get this traditional post-PP thread rolling this year....

Regrets from PPUSA IX (probably incomplete since I'm tired and sick):

  • Not getting to meet a few Forum people I'd been hoping to (7thSavior, Gamefreac, Kimavir, and some others)
  • Missing out on some bands' sets that I wanted to see, notably Iron Savior and most of IE and Andromeda
  • Not bringing more camera batteries
  • Not bringing at least one pair of shorts to wear
  • Not bringing more CD liners to consider getting autographed
  • Not parking in that parking deck north of the R.I. Mostly-free is better than $19/night
  • Picking up the ProgPower Plague by late Sunday/Monday (tiredness/headache/SORE throat/no voice/coughing)
Sorry to disappoint ya, Pellaz! How about we meet up at Kamelot?:kickass:
Only real regret is not going out of my way to meet more people. Sometimes it sux to be an introvert...
Yeah, totally. I did get to meet a few folks from the forum, however, such as Riff Daemon, SkiBum, and Heavenly Call. Nice meeting you guys! I ran into my pals in Halcyon Way and A Lower Deep, as well, so all was not lost.:cool::headbang:
agreed!!!! i am one too!!! some people started talking to me and i was like "eeeehhhhhh... what do i do now? how do i end this?" lol. :lol: o_O i'm still working on it lol.

I'm totally the same way! :)

I regret being too shy to go up and talk to anyone, especially the guys in Manticora and SUE...even though I had so many opportunities to do so over the weekend! I've been coming to progpower since V and have never really talked to anyone even though I recognize most people from year to year. I guess I'm just another introvert!
Seems like everyone's an introvert, how does anyone meet anyone else at this thing? :lol:

Easy! You wait for people like 7thSavior to come out of nowhere to talk to you as though he already knows you :lol: That's cheating, yes, so I need to work on doing that myself :Smug:
I have one regret. Not spending more time with one particular hottie that I thought rocked the house!!!! Other than that no regrets...

yeah, all you introverts are going to have to stop hiding from me. :Smug: You're lucky I was busy all weekend helping with the show, else I'd be tracking you all down.

yeah, I'm looking at you Brian (edgeofthorns). :heh:

yeah, all you introverts are going to have to stop hiding from me. :Smug: You're lucky I was busy all weekend helping with the show, else I'd be tracking you all down.

yeah, I'm looking at you Brian (edgeofthorns). :heh:


I know, I know. I'm guilty of not walking up to you guys that actually work the thing, because I don't want to bother you. I've never actually talked to Glenn face to face either for that same reason.

I'll tell you what helps with the meeting bands thing. Bring your kids along! Mine were on a mission to say hi to as many band members as possible. Hell my 8 year old damn near tackled Bill Hudson in the vendors room. He looked scared at first but was totally cool about it. Thanks to my son I met Manticora, Zak Stevens and Bill Hudson, Sean from Halcyon Way, Pathosray, Mustasche, Elvenking, and the list goes on. Maybe next year I'll have him looking for people with forum nametags to harass. At least then we'll all meet.
I'll tell you what helps with the meeting bands thing. Bring your kids along! Mine were on a mission to say hi to as many band members as possible. Hell my 8 year old damn near tackled Bill Hudson in the vendors room. He looked scared at first but was totally cool about it. Thanks to my son I met Manticora, Zak Stevens and Bill Hudson, Sean from Halcyon Way, Pathosray, Mustasche, Elvenking, and the list goes on. Maybe next year I'll have him looking for people with forum nametags to harass. At least then we'll all meet.

I saw your kids but didn't get that it was you. Sorry I didn't realize at the time and say hey.