The Official *Show In My City Rocked* Thread

I was at the Dec.12th show in Toronto. With Trivium and Children of Bodom. I downloaded some Amon Amarth when I heard they were playing, and I liked what I heard. After seeing/hearing them live, WOW! Totally amazing! I'm now a huge Amon Amarth fan, I've gone eBay happy with there music, and a couple of there shirts. lol. Thanks for putting on an amazing show! Much respect, and I look forward to you guys coming back here.
I saw them in New York :rock: And they rocked! And i got to meet Johan and speak with him for a little bit :) Can't wait for them to come back :rock:
Belgar said:
Of course they do; they let your redneck Suomalaien ass in USA as well :dopey: ... will probably go to Germany next year for Wacken and/or get tickets for Worldcup 2006. Too soon to tell.

Wacken brings back memories of piss warm Elephant beer and fat bitches in black leather, fucken passed out at the Biergarden too, great place to sleep.
As there seems to be no AA pictures thread, I´ll just post something for you here ... seems to be a bit like the random chat thread here.

Here we go:
-DarkMoon- said:
Wow what a coincidence, I actually just downloaded some Immortal and, your right, I do love them!! Thanks for the recommendation though!

I strongly recommend following acts.
Vomitory, Defaced Creation, In Battle, Dismember, Hypocrisy, Dark Funeral, and many more.
Hope you like it
hey cliff burton, i was one of those four drunk spitters behind you in line at 1 o'clock, man you should have snuck in with us, it was great...i hope someone from AA is reading this, my 3 friends and i, we snuck in a couple hours early and got you to sign our tickets and we were asking you questions, and our drunk friend kept trying to hug Johan H (he is without a doubt the biggest AA fan in the world). we got kicked out by security right before the doors opened and we went out the back door only to walk right to the front of the line again with cliff. then we fought our way up, right infront of the stage and planted ourselves there until Amon Amarth had left. then we went and gave some more support to AA back at the merch table. after buying a coulple of tour shirts and grabbing another signature on the tickets, Johan S gave me one of his picks (thanks alot, still have it). then once the show was over, we barely caught the last bus back home out of toronto. man november 11th show was the most memorable day in 2oo5. i really hope that cliffburton or anyone from Amon Amarth reads this and laughs their ass off

great show boys, cant wait till round 2 in toronto