The Official WANT thread

No Matt, you want this.

hahahahaha, you know what I always thought would be very inconvenient about that pulse rifle......... the fact that the marines probably had to change a battery every now and then just to see how many rounds they have left. :lol:
its all about THE SOUND it makes, if the sacrifice is changing a battery every now and then, id deal with it haha.

oh and i want a job.

:kickass: Yeah the sound the gun makes plus that xenomorph scream right after it started firing. Classic sound engineering. :kickass: And you already have a job, its called being a frontman.
Whaaaaat? Its nowt to laugh about.... :lol:

Seriously though, i'd let him live in my conservatory with a stash of pr0n and Strongbow. Anyone who wouldn't want a thrashing guitar playing yorkshireman to jam with whenever you wanted is a madman.