BurningSky said:
Dorian, what grave are you at??? 410 - 1850? That guy must have been tripping over his balls at that point...
yeah,i didnt understand that grave. there were lots of them like that. it was in paris, so maybe it was some fucked up french thing. you know how they are.
cool thing was that some of those tombs, like the one im standing in front of, were open and you could step inside and catch a whiff of death. or cat piss. smell kinda the same.
blackened rainbow's resemblance to lopez is uncanny - especially at those angles.

*dorian still waits for pics of Luz in a thong*
dorian gray said:
blackened rainbow's resemblance to lopez is uncanny - especially at those angles.

*dorian still waits for pics of Luz in a thong*

Yeah thats excactly what I thought
try this for my pic: i can't seem to e-mail it cause my internet is being an a-hole.


real name: kenneth
age: 20
Décadent said:
That looks fucking cold. I do not envy you.

Man, that wasn't cold, just windy as hell. Im sitting down because the wind was too strong to stand mate fell over, cut himself pretty decent and didn't even realise because he was concentrating on not being blown off the side of the mountain so hard.

And yeah, that tramps a beaut, but, unlike us, make sure you have BOTH your water bottles...halucinating from dehydration at 1600m is more dangerous than it sounds...ehehe good times....