The Opeth Thread

Rose Immortal said:
Oh, and a note to Thraxz, I do think that only hearing the Deliverance album gave you an undeserved bad impression of the band. That was not one I would've recommended as a starter album unless tried together with Damnation. It would probably be better for you to reserve judgment until trying My Arms, Your Hearse, Still Life, or Blackwater Park. Just my 2 cents. ;)
He's right, I also think you should try one of those albums, believe me it's worth it.
some people 'get' opeth, others dont.. the beauty of music is that somewhere out there, there's something for everyone. I'd have to urge that before you dismiss it as rubbish though, you'd need to give it several listens and getting used to the style. I used to abhor death metal (and still do most of it), so it took me quite a while to get used to mikaels harsh vocals, I had to give it many tries before I began to appreciate his talent. Same with Symphony X as well, alot of songs took me a while to get used to, listening to it over and over.. leaving it a while, then going back later and trying again.
I certainly hope you arn't telling me that I need to get used to harsh vocals. So you can be a little bit more informed about me, I started to listen to death metal first THEN got into power/prog. I listened to In Flames - Cloud Connected and it introduced me to a whole new world of music. At first everything (especially death metal... I didn't like power much at first) was all new and cool. It took a while before I realized that brutal death metal is just plain boring/repetative/crappy. I get the shivers everytime I remember saying that Devourment and Bolt Thrower sounded cool. Oh how dumb I was. Now I pretty much stick with prog/power/melodeath and maybe a touch of black metal.

Something you definitly took the liberty to blow out of proportion is my opinion of Opeth. Did I say that Opeth was rubbish.. or crap... or bad? No. I said they were overrated. Why? Because almost daily I get a flood of people whom I consider idiots (obviously there are exceptions... you guys for example) fawning over them and telling me they are the best band they've ever heard (which you didn't do) and the like. My real opinion of Opeth is lukewarm. Not bad but by no means the end-all-be-all of metal.
Thraxz said:
I said they were overrated. Why? Because almost daily I get a flood of people whom I consider idiots (obviously there are exceptions... you guys for example) fawning over them and telling me they are the best band they've ever heard (which you didn't do) and the like. My real opinion of Opeth is lukewarm. Not bad but by no means the end-all-be-all of metal.
Providing an opinion of a band based from one disc and that self proclamed idiots tell you they are great is a perfect display of ignorance...

Hint: Don't pay any attention to idiots because it will make you one...
i wasnt saying to get used to harsh vocals, just that sometimes theres elements that take a while to get into. for ME it was death vocals.

not everyone likes the same thing, thats what makes us unique (I personally dont see the hype about Dream Theater, but thats just me). But sometimes people dont give something a very good chance at letting it grow on them before dismissing it (which I've also been guilty of with Queensryche, but now love)
I didn't have such good luck with Dream Theater, myself.

But anyway, the reason I said what I did about checking out another album was not to insult you, Thraxz. It's just that sometimes, with some groups, I've learned there may only be certain albums I'm going to like, but if I rule the whole group out because of a bad first try, I may not be able to appreciate those select albums.
I must agree with you on Dream Theater myself. I never did see the level of music that the hype tried to make it out to be. Its another one of those lukewarm bands for me.

A band that I see no hype for and is just plain awesome is Arjen Lukensson's Star One. Whew, their Live on Earth release blew me away. Some people can't connect with the jazziness of it but for some reason to work for me.
yeah i think arjens work perhaps doesnt get enough attention, although "THE" has gotten quite alot, but I think that man is a genius! Star One was also Brilliant (though of course I think that with Russell Allen in it)

p.s. Tali, I'm sure I probably will like it, though must listen first. BTW where have you been? I've just about given up any hope of getting site info.
SR wrote
Tali, I'm sure I probably will like it, though must listen first. BTW where have you been? I've just about given up any hope of getting site info.

Never give up hope my friend. :) Our drummer just had a baby girl so we are giving him some space for a few weeks, our bass player has given me some stuff, and Fabio jnr is a useless bastard. The live footage i got on DVD was way to dark to use unfortunately. But you will have some songs on cd coming to you soon (and some other cds).....maybe i could send you some recepies or something to stick on their instead in the meantime....Taliesin stirfry.

Arjen and Ayreon kick ass in so many ways and its amazing to think that it is the same guitarist from the very pitiful band Vengeance from back in the 80's/early 90's.

You got any other Ayreon cd's SR?
This board is so much better than the UM general areas. I can't say "the sky is blue" without people openning fire. I must say I'm guilty of an occational flame but usually its under unusual circumstances. Like a guy asking for music recommendations with instructions close to that which you'd find on a pop-tart package.

1 Open pop-tarts
2 Put them in a toaster
3 Eat pop-tart

So I, of course, pimped out Symphony X and Black Majesty he says a stupidass thing like "I told you I like solos so why the hell would you recommend Symphony X and Black Majesty"

Flame time.....

Well that was a tangent but, hey, you guys kick ass.
Thraxz--sadly, you're right about the conduct in some sections of UM. Coming here was a breath of fresh air. You know that in many areas of UM I'd get flamed for coming to a board while knowing barely 1 of that band's albums? (I'm now up to 2, though. :) ) Which when you think about it, that sort of conduct is really counterproductive, because sometimes a board like this can be really helpful for a newbie trying to find their way around.

Or they can scare the new fan out of his/her mind.

Good to see this board chooses the sensible option. ;)

Plus it's nice to have some discussion with a BRAIN once in awhile, and sometimes that actually happens here. :)
Resurrecting this thread because the Female Voice thread wasn't the place for this comment:

Stop bashing Opeth. The band is an acquired taste. I'm not into them, but if you don't have anything nice to say just shut up about them. They do their thing, some people like them, some don't. It's that simple.
well said beezlebub..

and further to add, we dont all like everything everyone else likes on this board, but most of us try to be respectful of bands and other peoples tastes regardless.
LOL, yeah...I imagine I have loads of music most people here would absolutely hate, and I wouldn't care for people to be trashing it all the time.

Plus...just's a tough thought, but some people out there, no matter what you do, will never like Symphony X. ;)