the pro tools back lash

i like it, who recorded and mixed?

Antti Uusimaki recorded it and mixed. We have worked together a lot for a long time (as engineers). We also play in a band together called Mothlite... not metal. Me and Antti don't really work with metal that much, we mainly work with experimental/avant-garde stuff.

Having said that I do master quite a bit of metal, but don't produce a lot of it (1 or 2 records a year).

I'm glad you like it. You have no idea how much the metal heads hated the sound...
... James, your inbox is full, so here it is. I own the publishing for this song, so I guess this is okay.

This is my personal favorite from the album, yes there are sloppy parts, but we wanted to keep it live and editing to the minimum (yes I'm a 70's prog dinosaur).

I'm not sure if this is your cup of tea, but let me know what do you guys think.



Chuck Schuldiner much? :rock: Fucking awesome!
Interesting conversation you guys have going on. Is anyone here a The Haunted fan? They are the only metal band talking about natural sounding recordings that I think can actually back their shit up. Their new album versus was recorded live with minimal overdubbing and no click track( I could be wrong on that part). Regardless, the album sounds huge and pretty natural to me :rock:. I could be wrong but I don't think they used sample replacement either. Are there any opinions on the sound of this album and how "natural" it really is?
i played with Per on a Konkhra Tour years ago.... i can easily believe that he can pull it off, he's definitely that good.
The way I see it, I'm not going to make a bad record because I'm given a bad band. Isn't that why they hire us? To make them sound as good as possible...

To Trivium's credit, Mark did tell me that there were hardly any edits on the drum for the Shogun album. Def lots of sample replacement though. I think it's one of Colin's best mixes to be honest.

I would LOVE if I didn't have to jump through all the digital hoops because the band was just that good. The one thing that does kinda suck now that everything is always perfect is that a great drummer won't sound as solid as sloppy kid who's been edited to death, because well...humans aren't perfect.
... James, your inbox is full, so here it is. I own the publishing for this song, so I guess this is okay.

This is my personal favorite from the album, yes there are sloppy parts, but we wanted to keep it live and editing to the minimum (yes I'm a 70's prog dinosaur).

I'm not sure if this is your cup of tea, but let me know what do you guys think.



Just had a listen. Beautiful production! :O:O
Great tune aswell.

How anyone could think that to be bad production is beyond me.