This album is better than I was expecting after The Glorious Burden (which I like) and the re-recording of the original Something Wicked songs (which I am not so keen on). I have only had two listens so far, but it seems like the most original thing the band has done in a long time, not all by numbers stuff like a lot of their material. I can't help but wonder how it would have sounded with Matt, as I am a much bigger fan of his vocals than Rippers, but Ripper does do a good job. For anyone with some interest left in the band, check it out.
Meh to Framing Armageddon? I can understand not digging Ripper compared to Matt, and I am very keen on checking him out with Pyramaze as well, but I think Framing Armageddon is a big step forward from what Jon did with The Glorious Burden. More mature sounding.I give it a solid meh. I think I'm just not that big of a fan of Ripper. I can't wait to see what Matt does with Pyramaze, although there's a chance he won't really fit their sound either.
Great band, every album is a winner in my books. We used The Burning Season at our wedding reception, was one of the albums played while we were eating and drinkingFaith and the Muse - Evidence Of Heaven
Yep I stole mine @$10. I couldn't believe my eyes, I skipped lunch that day.Electric Eye is a fucking awesome DVD.... I'm sure I have seen it around for as little as $15 too. A steal!