Fuck the deathstar. Bring in Chuck Norris.
I just finished babysitting for 11 fucking hours. I was dead tired while I was there, then I got back home and now I'm so awake I could go to some party and drink for the rest of the night...

and everyone in my msn is sleeping so I cant talk to anyone

I can't believe why there are so many dickheads in internet... I know, 'this is just the internet', but just like there are retards that talk shit in internet, there are also people that belive all that shit and get hurt of it. god, I'm so pissed. why will people finally realize that bringing people down in internet is not "cool" or anything, and that it can hurt them just as much as it can hurt them in real life?

phewww Erni, calm down again.
Typical Conversation with a Jew:

Macharius88 (9:05:59 PM): its alright
Macharius88 (9:06:02 PM): exhausting
stephiez86 (9:06:08 PM): you know
stephiez86 (9:06:23 PM): i don't really think it's fair that i paid half of dinner last week
stephiez86 (9:06:29 PM): cause yours was more expensive than mine
Macharius88 (9:06:51 PM): well u gave me 20, how much was ur dinner
stephiez86 (9:07:09 PM): it was 13 and then plus half of appetizer
Macharius88 (9:07:12 PM) bitch i drove!
I can't believe why there are so many dickheads in internet... I know, 'this is just the internet', but just like there are retards that talk shit in internet, there are also people that belive all that shit and get hurt of it. god, I'm so pissed. why will people finally realize that bringing people down in internet is not "cool" or anything, and that it can hurt them just as much as it can hurt them in real life?

phewww Erni, calm down again.

Ok Eli :lol: Naw, I'm teasing. It's fun to joke around and be dicks when you know the people, if not then sometimes you can really do irl damage. And that my friends, is not lulz...

why will people finally realize that bringing people down in internet is not "cool" or anything, and that it can hurt them just as much as it can hurt them in real life?

First off, its not "cool" being on the internet in the first place, and its not about whats "cool", this is not High-School.

Its about lulz, and the amount of impact one can make hunched over a keyboard being a cunt. Also, If I said half the shit I say here in person, I'd probably get the shit kicked out of me daily. People tend to bring this point up in an argument, only to be responded with "yeah, but its not real life, and you are a cunt", or something similar.

This will toss someone into a rage, making them post things they normally wouldn't, adding more and more lulz to the pot.

The world, it runs on lulz.


Anyone else here living in an apartment, where the laundry machines cost more than any laundromat in the city, and even though you just paid $3.50 to use an incredibly small laundry machine that fits 1/8th of my wardrobe, it still manages TO FUCK UP AND NOT DRY MY FUCKING JEANS...SO WHEN I GO OUTSIDE, MY LEGS FREEZE BECASUE $3.50 IS NOT ENOUGH FOR THE HIGH QUAILTY OF WARM, CLEAN, DRY JEANS.


Anyone else here living in an apartment, where the laundry machines cost more than any laundromat in the city, and even though you just paid $3.50 to use an incredibly small laundry machine that fits 1/8th of my wardrobe, it still manages TO FUCK UP AND NOT DRY MY FUCKING JEANS...SO WHEN I GO OUTSIDE, MY LEGS FREEZE BECASUE $3.50 IS NOT ENOUGH FOR THE HIGH QUAILTY OF WARM, CLEAN, DRY JEANS.

:Smug: I am avoiding doing laundry at the moment due to raaaaaaaage!! against overpriced short bus-esque machines that don't really clean or dry my clothes and are a very cold and annoying 5 minute walk away from my apartment building.
:Smug: I am avoiding doing laundry at the moment due to raaaaaaaage!! against overpriced short bus-esque machines that don't really clean or dry my clothes and are a very cold and annoying 5 minute walk away from my apartment building.

Closest one to me is a good 20 minutes, mainly because my entire area is apartment buildings, crackdens, and corner stores. I'd dry my own cloths but there is no way a clothing rack would fit in here.

wet pants are the first step into manlyhood

They said growing was going to be hard :(
I didn't get any sleep last night because I was working on this project that I had to hand in today. I was going to the registry to hand it in and saw a friend of mine and he told me that everyone got an extension because only me and this other guy managed to finish the whole thing. Pisses me off how unfair that is.