Christians. It's impossible to discuss with them. One day, I was talking to one about how God created man and women (bullshit). I told her that men had just as many spines (if that's what it's called) as women, but according to her, they didn't. I even gave her links with pictures, explanations etc., but no.. I hope there will be a new Hitler-ish guy who will end the christians.

Darth Vader on COB-OT


"I find your lack of open mind disturbing."

:p There are ignorant people in this world, let others believe what they want, don't let them get to you, live and let live.
ok , to please joe i'm not betraying him with the failing rage thread and i write into his
i hate studying maths for my graduation exams
I hate impolite people.
I hate people who can't spell.
I hate when I have to be nice to Christians (to state the obvious). Specially when they're wearing huge crosses. It makes me want to slap them in the face for being so stupid.
I hate it when I go to a friend of mine who's parents appear to be the most stupid Christians I know. They think I'm the devil because I like metal.
And I hate smelly people.

All these things can get me in a really bad mood that doesn't stop for hours.
Don't get me started.

(for the record: No problem with Christians, just a problem with Religion)
Don't get me started.

(for the record: No problem with Christians, just a problem with Religion)

Having a problem with religion is fine, we all have different opinions, but being prejudiced against people for having their own beliefs isn't. Religion has it's positive and negative sides, just like everything else.

This post isn't directed at you, I'm just saying in general.
I, most of the time, hate when peoples hate something.


More paradoxes: I should make a list of what bother me when I talk with people, even if I'm a zen and calm person, there's actually weird things that makes me frustrated. Like people hating something... weird but BLAH.
I've recently decided to live by the "Live and let live/die" thing. I found that I'm a much happier person (even if sometimes it doesn't show :p).

Sometimes it's hard, especially when the people around you are the complete opposite, but in the end, it's all worth it!
Having a problem with religion is fine, we all have different opinions, but being prejudiced against people for having their own beliefs isn't.

I would delete Religion from the Earth's harddrive if I could >.< :lol:

Seriously though, an unfounded set of beliefs and claims does not command respect, nor does any silly religious dogma. I have no problem telling people of religious nature (Christians especially, I'm in the great States of AMERIKKA :rolleyes:) to fuck off, that is if it is called for. The only problem is you can't tell someone they are delusional without further reinforcing their "faith".

In summary, I hate religion it does no good aside from charity work (even then, you don't need an organized religion ffs).

Other things I hate include:

  • Most little children lol
  • Internet trolls
  • Most metal fans (not here of course)
  • People with bad opinions (Being "open-minded" can only go so far)

Other things I hate include:

  • Most little children
  • Internet trolls
  • Most metal fans (not here of course)
  • People with bad opinions (Being "open-minded" can only go so far)

  • youre a little kid in your behavior
  • ???
  • "bad" opinion doesnt exist as it is matter of opinion wether you think its "bad" or not. --> this means youre stupid --> means youre a kid in your behavior --> double selfhate!
  • youre a little kid in your behavior
  • ???
  • "bad" opinion doesnt exist as it is matter of opinion wether you think its "bad" or not. --> this means youre stupid --> means youre a kid in your behavior --> double selfhate!

Shut up you! :lol:
I hate religion it does no good aside from charity work (even then, you don't need an organized religion ffs).

Right.... :rolleyes: There's a lot of respectable virtues and suggestions on how to live your life from the bible. Same with the Quaran (not as many). It's sad some assholes take it too far and ruin it for everyone. The 7 deadly sins, ten commandments, etc are all GOOD, SMART things to be mindful of, regardless of if you believe in God.

  • youre a little kid in your behavior
  • ???
  • "bad" opinion doesnt exist as it is matter of opinion wether you think its "bad" or not. --> this means youre stupid --> means youre a kid in your behavior --> double selfhate!

Right.... :rolleyes: There's a lot of respectable virtues and suggestions on how to live your life from the bible.

Lol@ that argument.

I prefer to live my life based on common sense, the conscious, moral decency and societies norms. No-one needs an imaginary friend to tell them how to live.
Right.... :rolleyes:

Don't use that emoticon. It makes you look like a bitch.

There's a lot of respectable virtues and suggestions on how to live your life from the bible. Same with the Quaran (not as many). It's sad some assholes take it too far and ruin it for everyone. The 7 deadly sins, ten commandments, etc are all GOOD, SMART things to be mindful of, regardless of if you believe in God.

Are you not seeing the whole picture? You don't need to refer to the BIBLE for your moral foundation. You can live a completely moral and humanitarian life without basing your life on the BIBLE. There was some clever analogy from this guy on youtube but I forgot it :p BUT IT WAS CLEVER!!!11

Don't bring up the 10 Comandments. Most of them aren't even applicable today and only THREE of them are used in our Constitution, which by the way are three things EVERYONE lives by without Moses's offering (thou shall not kill, etc.)

Think for yourself.