^ You two totally missed my points, just like you missed Heartless' points awhile ago. Take a look at criminal codes in any country and compare it to the 10 commandments. Also, I am yet to find a long-standing religion that openly advocates murder, stealing etc. The basis for the "taboo" is of course different in every case, be it "rage of God" or "rational thought" but the basic values are the same. Locke, for example, has similar basic values with Luther or even Aristotle, which means that the values were there before the Bibile, and it simply accumulated them and gave it a "twist"

Denying that writings like Bible, Quaran, the Buddhist sutras and like influenced modern though and "common sense", or the basics of rationalism, is quite short-sighted and shows lack of knowledge of history and culture from the person stating that.
^ You two totally missed my points, just like you missed Heartless' points awhile ago. Take a look at criminal codes in any country and compare it to the 10 commandments. Also, I am yet to find a long-standing religion that openly advocates murder, stealing etc. The basis for the "taboo" is of course different in every case, be it "rage of God" or "rational thought" but the basic values are the same. Locke, for example, has similar basic values with Luther or even Aristotle, which means that the values were there before the Bibile, and it simply accumulated them and gave it a "twist"

Denying that writings like Bible, Quaran, the Buddhist sutras and like influenced modern though and "common sense", or the basics of rationalism, is quite short-sighted and shows lack of knowledge of history and culture from the person stating that.

Nobody missed your point. You claimed that the bible is completely common sense, this is rediculous. As highighted by the "godbears" picture.

The word god is nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible is a collection of honourable, but still primitive and eccentric legends which are nevertheless pretty childish. No interpretation no matter how subtle can change this.
^ I guess I didn't word it quite right; Bible is a collection of common sense, at least that was the intent imho, but of course it's not the "ultimate truth" and should not be taken literally. It might be a bunch of "primitive legends", but those legends shaped modern thought and Western culture as we know it and it would be silly to dismiss it. I would not deny it to be a great work of literature, judging by the effect it had. I think, therefore, it is childish to say that the Bible is childish :lol:

It's pretty much like, there's a bunch of angry nerds on one side screaming "Bible is awesome" and a bunch of angry nerds screaming "screw God" and the rest of the people couldn't care less. That's the "interpretation" you're talking about.

I think it's wrong to imply that religion does not go beyond the establishment of Church; the two are quite different things. The concept of God or gods in other religions, is, yes, essentially an embodiment of an unknown power that we cannot prove or disprove and use to explain what we can't explain. And it will be around, well, for as long as the humankind is around, because I doubt we'll ever reach the "ultimate knowledge" of everything due to our natural imperfection. That's why, even when "proven" wrong or banned or destroyed, the Church will be in ruins but religion as a concept will liveon regardless.

Any religion, Christianity as well, is just another theory about the creation and purpose of the mankind, a less scientific one but a more ancient one. The catch is that none of these kind of theories can be proven right or wrong, The problem starts if any one of them is treated as an axiom.

EDIT: not that I'm trying to say you're wrong, quite the opposite, your interpretation is valid, I just think the picture is a bit more broad and we need to... ahem ... "look with eyes unclouded" :lol:
Just because the Bible has had a significant effect on people does not mean it's existence is valid or positive.

National Socialism had a pretty massive effect on Germany in the 1930s-40s, was that a good thing?

You say that Religious idealogy are just alternative theories to science. But I say Religion is simply no longer needed (Unless of course you need a way of controlling masses of people, then Religion is probably your best method) in a modern and scientifically advanced world. Religious theories are totally illogical, they throw rationality and common sense out the window and they contain about the same amount of factual basis as a Tolkien book. Which is why I think that anyone who is braindead enough to geniunely believe them, may aswell be diagnosed with a mental illness.

I mean, is it just a coincidence that the further we go back in time, the more widespread Religion is? In in other words: As Human discovery and knowledge decreases, Religions popularity increaces.
I'm pissed off people that don't like the music for the music !! They say they like it but NO they are just narrow-minded and they only like bands/musicians for what they represent. I know I'm not clear but English is not my language.

The thing is that this weekend some friends came to my bf's place. They all play the guitar and enjoy listening to music. One of them is really good at playing. The other one is Ok when it comes to play a bit of rythmic, that's all. Anyway, we put some COB songs. The first one know their music and knows how talented Alexi is. He says that he's one the best technical guitarist now and explained to the other friend that COB is one the most successfull metal bands. So obviously, our last friend didn't know about them (I was quite surprised cause he likes metal music) and he only heard two songs (the room was very noisy so with COB's songs it was even more noisy) without really taking care of them and then said : "it's shit, isn't it?"... Well ok, and our first friend to say: "no, they're good, but their aren't a bit of madness." He likes more bluesy, groovy music so he meant that kind of thing. I told him that he couldn't just judge them like that cuz they're a speed metal band and he didn't know all their songs and solos etc.. He said "well, I cant argue about guitaristic stuff with you cuz you won't understand a single word so ...". And I stopped talking about that cuz it was a useless conversation.

For info, our first friend likes nu-metal and I thought he would evolve into other metal genres. BUT i'm not saying that everyone have to like COB. I just didn't like their reactions... The first one seems to like only Nirvana, Limp Bizkit, Korn, SOAD, Red Hot Chili Peppers etc... and he pretends to like to play the guitar (he wants to be in a band) but he doesn't even listen to different guitarists, different kinds of playing... And the other says they're really good, that Alexi is one the best guitarists technically but says also that their music lacks of a bit of madness. BUT they're a speed AND a MELODIC band. So obviously they don't listen and should find other better arguments.

I just find really funny how people say they like the music but when you make them listen to something they don't usually listen, they can't open their ears and just give it a try... And that's fine if they don't like it but they aren't able to say why.
This is not a religion thread, everyone just shut up :lol: Let's just agree to disagree and have our own opinions, no sense in discussing them it's been done before. I mean, the bible ISN'T 100% common sense and is definitely not meant to be taken literally but it's not all bad either. However, if you think it is then that's your personal choice. Who cares :p? I'm not religious or follow the bible but I am just saying, I canc learly see the bible isn't some retarded book of bullshit like you all think it is, which is fine. Just drop it before I tell Squee.... this is a RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE thread and right now I'm RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGING about this pointless debate. :lol::waah:

Well she must have thought that because after i heard her stupid mumbling i turned around and laughed at her and said something like ''fucking christian granny''
which must have looked like I'm an übermotherfucker because no one insults old woman:lol:

Wow... just wow. Talk about human garbage. Disrespecting an old women. What kind of male are you? I sued male because you're too pathetic to call yourself a man. What the fuck is the matter with people here, punching kids and swearing at elderly women. :lol: Wow, you all need to grow up and get morals, you're disgusting human beings :lol: You think I've never been approached by those kinds of old women on the street? I get stuck next to them on the bus a lot. I just humour them, and if them get too rude I just ignore them. It's simple. What does swearing at them accomplish? Not right at all.

inb4 you all defend him but I don't care. If you have a brain and a pair of testicles you'd know better just to ignore those kinds of things in life, especially if it's an elderly woman.
dude you have no idea what you're talking about.

inb4 you all defend him but I don't care. If you have a brain and a pair of testicles you'd know better just to ignore those kinds of things in life, especially if it's an elderly woman.

and what's the matter with the age? Of course some old people should be respected but not given more ''rights''.
Nevertheless, i made fun of her. That's all :lol:

If you had a brain and a pair of testicles you'd have known better just to ignore those kinds of things in life, especially if it's the internet

:rolleyes: Cry moar.

and what's the matter with the age? Of course some old people should be respected but not given more ''rights''.

Well, it's a matter of respect. Respect of one's elders and self-respect. They both tie in together at some point. Obviously you don't understand that or possess those qualities so ENJOY BEING GUTLESS :D

Naw, seriously though, you get my point. I could care less if you yell at old ladies half way around the world, I was just trying to be mean enough to SHOCK you into realizing what you're doing wrong. But I really don't care it's your life and there's worse people than you.

Nevertheless, i made fun of her. That's all :lol:

If you had a brain and a pair of testicles you'd have known better just to ignore those kinds of things in life, especially if it's the internet

Yeah i understood what you meant, but it's not like I think it's the überfun to scare or offend old ladies,that one was just a prick no matter if she was old or young (and i don't think she was a helpless old lady [mentaly])
But yep, nevermind, it's not worth a discussion.

''inb4 you all defend him but I don't care. If you have a brain and a pair of testicles you'd know better just to ignore those kinds of things in life, especially if it's an elderly woman.''
these kinds of sentence are sooo lame ,even moar lame than crying :D
This music is best for going to sleep to...10 minutes of the same thing over and over and over again.

Maybe some day I can learn how to twist knobs on thousands of dollars of equipment and make boring noises that only a small handful of people(AKA idiots) care about...:rolleyes:
Fuck this thread.

You know who pisses me off? Townie pieces of shit that think they're important.

Woohoo! You played varsity football and are now a local DPW worker. I didn't know I was supposed to show you some kind of honor/respect for being a high school graduate.

p.s.- You're girlfriend/future wife is still an ugly slag, no matter how dark it is.
Fuck this thread.

You know who pisses me off? Townie pieces of shit that think they're important.

Woohoo! You played varsity football and are now a local DPW worker. I didn't know I was supposed to show you some kind of honor/respect for being a high school graduate.

p.s.- You're girlfriend/future wife is still an ugly slag, no matter how dark it is.

What is DPW? And :lol: I didn't know faggots like that existed outside of the movies... "OH LAWD I PLAYED HIGHSCHOOL FOOTBALL NOW I AM A FAILURE BUT I AM KING OF THE BARS!!!" Seriously that's sad.
DPW = Department of Public Works = the guys in yellow trucks who dig holes and plow the streets

Granted its a state job, so they make pretty good money, but lets get's still manual (read: Unskilled) labor, and you're still a cunt.
you know, the shit that's not that big of a deal yet, it get's to you and makes you want to kill something. for me, my pet peeves are bad grammar and noisy eaters. as for :Spam:, as long as :Spam:er's (i'm going to use that as much as possible) aren't that big of a deal to me as long as they aren't advertising shit.