The "Random Bullshit" Thread

I agree. I just found it very strange that the Netherlands didn't made it!! just Look at our fine performers



I lul'd. :lol:
Just checked out Netherlands' entry this year. So you're right, the voices are decent and the song is gay enough as to have made it to the finals. Isn't faggotry what Eurovision is about, anyway? :loco:

/edit: And oh fuck, the guy in the middle is SO looking at me. :erk:
Delain is THE most terrible dutch "metal" band there is (well... almost)

Even the "Toppers" are better!!! :D

If I had heard something like that about one year ago, I would have probably gone mad. :lol: But I admit female-fronted bands to seem a bit gay to me lately. Delain are pretty decent though. :)
@ ingrid, well, it's always a matter of taste obviously. And there are a lot of bad "female-fronted" bands out there, but one could also argue people wearing corpsepaint (not warpaint, mind you!) are somewhat silly. etc. etc. etc.

And I suppose I could easily list 100 Dutch bands/performers/... who suck balls compared to Delain (who I have seen live 6x now... :rofl:)

And de Toppers are just downright useless.
Oh well I like female fronted bands, at least, the GOOD ones! :p
Like After Forever and Epica.
I've seen Delain 2 times now and the bore me to dead.

I've seen Epica for about 21 or 22 times now and After Forever more then 10 times too.
So well :p
. . . I may be just a little bit biased, but I like Magica a lot from the female fronted bands . . . they happen to be from me home country . . . scratch that, they're just awsome :)

wm_crash, the friendly hooligan
Just reached 5000 plays on :) I'm so close to Andreas right now! Just 43629 more! :p

And people, i've also passed the magic 100 posts barrier! No congrats? Shame on you!
mmmh, haven't been for a while... shame on me

@Dennis: YAY! Congrats! Do I get cookies now?

Random stuff: our little girl kicked the boyfriend in his face today, haha. That's what you get for putting your head on my belly ;p
@ regje congratz to you to ;)

Andreass i won't even try to keep up with you :p

I won 2 Delain shirts today! One with my own email, and another with my girlfriends email :p It feels like today i can fall of a 100 meter high bridge and survive without a scratch.....but i'm not testing that XD
Random stuff: our little girl kicked the boyfriend in his face today, haha. That's what you get for putting your head on my belly ;p
Wow, that's so awesome! I remember you were feeling down some time ago, for not being able to go to the Turisas concert because you weren't feeling comfortable with the pregnancy. Now I'm sure you think staying at home, taking care of yourself and experiencing these little everyday things is worth it all. Hope you're doing really well. :)

Random bullshit: I got soaking wet in the worst of rains today on my way to the subway, so I could get home. Bad thing is, everyone else had an umbrella, so I was the only one looking like a wet dog. Good thing is, we actually have summer rains this year, I'm starting to think this world is getting back to normal! o_O
Yup, 21 weeks pregnant right now (only 19 more weeks to go). And that's also the reason I couldn't attend the Turisas concert: I just felt so sick :S

@Dennis: always nice to win stuff. But you won one with your gf's email, so is she going to get it?

@StoneWoman: is it also very warm over there? If it is, I wouldn't mind getting wet. It's just so hot (and I right now can't handle it very well)
@ regje

Well i have to get my prize(s) at the entrance of the Fortarock Festival, but she isn't going (well i guess they didn't think that one over). So i get to claim the prize myself
@StoneWoman: is it also very warm over there? If it is, I wouldn't mind getting wet. It's just so hot (and I right now can't handle it very well)
It's quite damn hot, yes. That's the worst part, you just go out in the lightest top you have, thinking it can't possibly rain anymore and, in about 2 mins, you're wet from head to toe. Hmm, take care of yourself, I dunno what to say, but maybe you should just stay indoors when it's too warm outside and get the boyfriend do all the job. :cool:

Randomness of the day: I tried to cook. Not something amazing, actually just boiled potatoes. Of course I forgot them on the fire and almost burnt down the house. Meh, I should have expected that.
regje: Congratulations!!!

So yesterday I moved house, it's about three times as big as the last flat, loving it! A few problems but yeah, happy now. Got the weekend coming up, Anne Summers party, night out, lots of fun in the park if the weather keeps up. I forgot how much I love summer!!!
@StoneWoman: it's already hot enough without you setting fire to the house ;p

@Katie: Yay for a new and better place to live. 3 times as big even. Do you have enough furniture?
@Katie: Yay for a new and better place to live. 3 times as big even. Do you have enough furniture?

Yeah, this is an actual house whereas the last place was a flat. I've rented it furnished so we're fine for furniture, there's so much more storage place here it's brilliant!! Basically my last place consisted of 2 medium sized bedrooms, a kitchen/living room combination that was slightly small and a bathroom. Whereas this house has a basement, a decent kitchen, a good living room, two rather large bedrooms and a big bathroom :D
There are a few problems with it but hopefully they'll get sorted soon. I'm just glad to be out of the flat and in a proper house, it feels like a home here, whereas the flat was just somewhere to live...

and AndreasS, congrats to your brother!

I'd like to point out that Mika did rather splendid in her exams too so congratulations to her!