The "Random Bullshit" Thread

I love winter...and I love just want kinda the same weather-tendence for two days or so...XD
Don't get me wrong, I really like winter too. But autumn just gives me this melancholic mood, and it even makes me lazy. :erk:
I don't need more laziness, I've got plenty of it and then I become useless and phlegmatical. :lol:

/edit: @AngelOfMadness: The 69 Eyes!!! :worship:notworthy
Well the last couple of months the summer felt more like autumn or winter because it's always 4 or -25 degrees @ my work :p so i had a pretty weird summer! Cold/Warm/Cold/Warm well you get the idea
I'm absolutely fucking upside down. :( :(
I've been searching for foreign Conservatoires to apply to for weeks and it's all messed up. I intended to apply for the Conservatoire in Florence first, 'cause my friend is there, but apparently the whole system is screwed, she's in danger of not having where to stay anymore, after she's been living in some apartment for one year, she had to find another accommodation, a hostel place is not granted and it's all pffft. Then I sent some emails to the British conservatoires and I don't even know why I did that, 'cause life there is expensive as fuck, I got some sort of "You don't have our kind of diplomas, nor the money, nor the knowledge, we don't even accept DVD-recordings so that we could at least tell you if there even is a point in moving your arse over here to audition in person, we're looking forward to your application" reply.
And now I've just been looking browsing the Dutch Conservatoires, 'cause a friend of mine told me the student life is more accessible and okay-ish there, and I was absolutely astounded by the amount of theoretical knowledge an applicant needs to have in order to get there. Here in Bucharest, at the bel-canto section, we're practically given a tiny sight-singing exercise and intervals up to an octave and chords. But in Groningen and Amsterdam, you need to be able to sing scales with up to 6 alterations, triads (do we even have triads here? :lol: :loco: :erk: ) and an epic wall of text of the rest of the stuff required. Not to mention dictation and harmonic comprehension. (if only I knew what that reffered to exactly). Otherwise, I simply fell in love with how Groningen looked in their pics. If I had all the money in the world and I'd be the ultimate singing-student and a genius of musical theory, I'd still pick that city. :worship:
I'm so doomed. Now apparently I ran out of options, Ankara, Turkey would also be a possibility, just as Bucharest, but both of them sound fishy and meh. :(

Isn't it awesome to have the longest and most useless post ever in the Random Shit thread? :lol: At least I feel a bit relieved now. :lol:
Here in Bucharest, at the bel-canto section, we're practically given a tiny sight-singing exercise and intervals up to an octave and chords. But in Groningen and Amsterdam, you need to be able to sing scales with up to 6 alterations, triads ..

Yes exactly, some universities have a prestige associated with them, they don't just let in riff-raff.

If I told you I had a degree from Harvard you would think better of me than if I said I had an online degree I received from an email that was sent to me right?

Have you looked into the Conservatorium of Music, Sydney? I doubt any other Con. in the world has as good a view from their location.

Yes exactly, some universities have a prestige associated with them, they don't just let in riff-raff.
I know that, and that's exactly why I'm looking for foreign institutions. Had I just wanted a diploma and that's it, I could have perfectly remained here in my country, with no highers ambitions and expectations. :) And the reason why I was so surprised was the fact I did not expect such huge differences between the admission exam here and the one in the Netherlands.

Have you looked into the Conservatorium of Music, Sydney? I doubt any other Con. in the world has as good a view from their location.
I know my post above sounded silly and limitated, but there's no need to suppose I just wanted to go there for the sky and colors and pretty flowers, you know. :) I was just saying that another nice (and somehow random) aspect of that option is the placement of the Conservatoire, which is quite a plus when it comes to the environment, therefore an advantage for those who live there.

And yeah, I'm quite brainless and shallow and "woooow-driven", but not THAT much. :lol:
Well, at the risk of sounding like an ass: welcome to reality. Very few people out there actually do what they like as their job. A lot of people learn to like what they do. Another lot just bitch every single morning the alarm clock sounds. And still some won't do anything just because whatever they can get isn't the absolute ideal.

Bottom line: life is a set of small steps to the top. You can't do it in one leap. Unless you have the financial backing.

So you can't make it to Amsterdam or Florence. Big deal! Go to Bucharest or Ankara or Poplaakkeendorft and use the first year to sharpen your tools and prove yourself. Then it's a different story. You establish bragging rights. And NOBODY can argue with you if you have bragging rights!

Then you email those same people again and let them know you've grown. You can't imagine how much weight there is in saying something like "you know, I emailed you last year and circumstances weren't quite right at that time; things have changed since and I was hoping you could reassess my case in light of my additional training and experience".

Good luck!

wm_crash, the friendly hooligan
Thanks, wm_crash, I really appreciate your kindness and support. :)
I think it's not a tragedy afterall. Yesterday I was just a bit pissed, 'cause no matter how unrealistic one's options and wishes are, they still get a bit upset when getting all the doors shut in front of them.
Anyhow, one of the reasons why I'm so eager to study somewhere else is the fact the educational system here seems pretty messed up, at least in the musical field. I heard lots of students complaining about how insufficient and shallow their classes are and how they feel they're wasting themselves in a school that doesn't provide them much. But yes, you are right, even if I had to study three or four other years here, there's also a possibility to go for a master's degree somewhere else, or Erasmus programs, even for a short while etc.
See? That's why I posted about that in the 'bullshit thread', now it's kinda clear for me I was overreacting. :lol:
Thanks for your advice again. :)
i thought the same *laughing*
But it´s a daily struggle I live here in Finland XD
Well my brain's currently melting at work, got a bit sick of learning at uni, but I'm now eager to learn again!! And if I can get a Bsc Honours degree in genetics, I'm sure I can keep up with Finnish :D no matter how many different versions of the same word their is :p
Why i it melting at work?

Atm I should revise my finnish knowledge but I am way too lazy after work and whatever else I am started after my final exams at school, then my will to do something like learning dropped to zero XD
Because it's so dull. I don't even need to think to do my job and I fear I'm actually going stupid through lack of use. So I'm starting a Finnish course in Oct and hopefully starting an accountancy course too which will help me get a better job :D