The Randy Staub love thread

As an aside: C F H, do you by chance know what Staub likes to saturate his guitars with? I tried to approximate the effect with a mixture of the new Trident A Range saturation and PSP MixSaturator on 'Tape 3'. I think it got somewhat close vibe-wise, but it would be cool to know what he uses to get all that chunk and smoothness from the guitars. Probably real tape saturation, knowing my luck, haha.

I don't know if he actually does any extra saturation. If anything, he might run them into his 1081s and crank up the line gain a bit....but I can't say for sure.
Holly shit Ermz! Talk about radio rock.
The only thing I can pick out is that the Kick/ snare/ vocals don't seem very coherent in the mix. I think it's more the snare throwing it all out, maybe just a bit too loud?
Would also be nice to hear more vocal layers, higher up rather than just plain doubles, especially to bring the chorus out. The vocals just come across as a little flat (boring) this way IMO.
Maybe that's just my power metal side coming through though :p
Randy Staub is fantastic. One thing I noticed - All of Metallica's albums from The Black Album until Garage Inc. all sound fantastic. All were the team of Bob Rock and Randy Staub. Then "I Disappear" and "St. Anger" sounded piss poor. Those were the first things that Bob Rock did for Metallica that Randy Staub did not engineer. Sounds to me like Bob Rock was so spoiled working for an engineer as talented as Randy Staub for so long, that he got rusty with his own skills.
Hey guys, what would you consider to be Randy's best mix work? I need to find the very largest production he's ever done. So far I have the last 3 Nickelback albums, and the recent AIC (and of course the Black album, but that's a bit dated).
i still think his work on Reload (especially Fixxxer) even though its done back in 97, sounds just as good as it did then as it does today, maybe its caus it's a song of my youth?!

The new AiC is poss one of my favs from the 00's. I also belive he had a hand in Soils '04 release 'Redefine' which has that low end very similar to the Nickelback stuff

Absolutely love his work on Avril Lavignes record Under My Skin 'Forgotton' is an awesome tune!
i still think his work on Reload (especially Fixxxer) even though its done back in 97, sounds just as good as it did then as it does today, maybe its caus it's a song of my youth?!

+ 1 The Load,Reload/garage inc records are soooo tasty. Everything sounds amazing. I never heard anything near that soundwise in that genre. Nowdays i think he overcompress things, for example Nickelback/daughtrey
I just got Reload and I'll be grabbing Garage Inc soon.

They're cool mixes for sure, but I think I'm favoring more of the over-mixed stuff like Nickelback and AIC. I've yet to find anything kinda 'larger' sounding.
hahahaha geez Ryan for once I feel like a post you made was legitimately retarded. That statement is worthy of a trip in the shortbus. Granted peoples opinions differ so I still love ya.

I'm pretty sure he just said it to try to give this thread the treatment the Parkway Drive one got :D
I'm pretty sure he just said it to try to give this thread the treatment the Parkway Drive one got :D

Oh i am sure too. You can't ever take my responses too seriously Marcus as I don't take them too seriously haha. Unfortunately the interwebz just can't convey emotions properly which is the gheyseckz.