The "rarities"...


ensammast i sverige.
Apr 22, 2002
Visit site
The theme should be quite obvious: the songs only available on special editions, tribute albums and so on.

Fill in the songs I miss and I´ll be your grateful servant for all eternity :D

Misery in Me
My Friend of Misery
22 Acacia Avenue
Bringer of Torture
and now i have an ISDN 65 connection :cry:

no more chupi ADSL downloading at 25k's (which i know for most swedes is just a mere slow insult :p )

fathervic (thanking ormir for dying fragments)
Thanks, Ormir.

Hmm, I guess you could include the demo songs on that list too. Of course I neither have them, nor know where to find them...

-Humanure (loves his cable modem :D )
Thanks everybody!

FatherVic: I´m happy if I get up to 5-6 kbs with my modem. Now THAT´S a mere slow insult. :yuk:

By the way, anyone knows how much is reasonable to pay for the Trail... demo?
Delirious said:
Thanks everybody!

FatherVic: I´m happy if I get up to 5-6 kbs with my modem. Now THAT´S a mere slow insult. :yuk:

By the way, anyone knows how much is reasonable to pay for the Trail... demo?

I paid 250 SEK, but haven't received it yet.
Tranquillian: Oh, that´s quite worth it, I´d say. I just hope you didn´t buy it from the same person I found who wanted to sell it...

DeepInMisery: I hope so. If he hasn´t got rid of it already... the fact that Tranquillian just bought one kind of makes me think I was too late... :bah: