The Recommendations Thread


Active Member
Dec 10, 2005
Saint Louis
This is pretty much ripped directly from the one in the gmd. Here, if anyone wants to find new bands, they can say for example "recommend me some prog metal" here instead of making new threads. I found the one in the gmd very helpful for expanding and finding new music, and it can help people here too.

I recommend everyone listens to the self titled T-RIDE album (i am now). Its just over 30 minutes has awesome...awesome vocal harmonies and when Geoff Tyson goes on the guitar he goes hard (another Satriani student). Its kind of progressive hair metal i guess.
I remember getting this album and Images and Words together back in 1992....great day!!!
Probably bigger than mine. I like doom metal, but I don't have a whole lot.

Evoken, My Dying Bride, Katatonia and a little Disembowelment. Possibly some others that I can't think of at the moment
Tubbs, i didn't know you were doomy.

So from both of you, the extent of my collection is discs from:
Evoken (just quietus)
Swallow the Sun
My Shameful
My Dying Bride (i only have turn loose the swans)
Paradise Lost (Gothic)

That's it. Any recommendations? No stoner doom or drone doom. Looking mostly for doom/death and/or funeral doom (is there a difference?)

What's disembowelment like by the way?
^ Pelican is a good instrumental band. I have their latest album, but that's it.

Tubbs, i didn't know you were doomy.

So from both of you, the extent of my collection is discs from:
Evoken (just quietus)
Swallow the Sun
My Shameful
My Dying Bride (i only have turn loose the swans)
Paradise Lost (Gothic)

That's it. Any recommendations? No stoner doom or drone doom. Looking mostly for doom/death and/or funeral doom (is there a difference?)

What's disembowelment like by the way?
Try out older Anathema or more Paradise Lost. For some lulz, you could try Reverend Bizarre or weird stuff like Esoteric, or if you want something super duper slow and depressing, check out Funeral or Mournful Congregation (among a bunch of others). disEMBOWELMENT is basically doom/death metal from what I've heard. (I've only heard one album)
What's disembowelment like by the way?

If you think Evoken has a slow tempo...

it also has very black metally production.

I've never gotten into Pelican, but I've heard a few of their albums.

I'd also recommend Katatonia's - Dance Of December Souls. (It's not comparable to Evoken sound wise though)
reverend bizarre's singer sang on a STS song (the single version of candlemass's Solitude) and i was wanting to buy something based on that alone... good voice, even though for doom i'm more into growls or sparse clean vox/spoken vox

Any specific albums by disembowelment?

Also tubbs, if you have specific albums i should check out or at least eras, that'd be awesome. Thanks guys.

Montu, this thread r00lz
^That's the one album I have by them.
Also tubbs, if you have specific albums i should check out or at least eras, that'd be awesome. Thanks guys.
Anathema's first 2 albums and somewhat their 3rd are basically their doom metal ones, Paradise Lost's first 3 albums are their doom ones, Esoteric is just awesome if you're into that weird ambient death/doom type stuff, and I don't know much about the other bands except that I have an album or two by them.

Also, you definitely need to get like, every My Dying Bride album because they basically r00l. Then again, I'm not good at recommending things en masse, so I can't really recommend any single album by them.

As for Reverend Bizarre, I recommend "In The Rectory Of The Bizarre Reverend", or just any of them, since they only had 2 or 3 albums.
OK, here's a request.

I'm looking for something different, not nessecarily even metal. I was thinking hard rock, maybe a bit experimental or even a little proggish. Something odd, timeless, a solo album maybe? It should be good though. Know any such?
Montu, this thread r00lz

I agree!

OK, here's a request.

I'm looking for something different, not nessecarily even metal. I was thinking hard rock, maybe a bit experimental or even a little proggish. Something odd, timeless, a solo album maybe? It should be good though. Know any such?

Russel Allen's Atomic Soul maybe? There's a taste of everythang on that. You could even check older classic/prog bands like Yes or Jethro Tull.