The return of the "How are you today?" thread

20 days until night opening for the play. i'm stressed, you can't tell exept for appearance wise. i have massive bags under my eyes, i can barely keep my eyes open anymore. sunday we have practice 9 am - 6 pm...=-s. ugh. on my one song "look at me i'm sandra dee", mr.scott is yelling at me to make it bigger. i'm trying my fucking hardest. i have it down vocally he says, but action wise i don't. ugh....frustrating, BIG TIME! i might post some pictures from practise, so yeah. rant, rant, rant.
fuck world war two :(

I have to write 10 pages aboute this shit, and I only have 2 days left, and I havent even started... and I really don't want to start on it.... I'm sad :cry:
where is that fucking "give me a hug" -thread when you need it?? :waah: