The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Fetzer said:
^What happened ?

i was disappointed because a boy that i don't meet since six months didn't come at the party. and i acted like a bastard because i was angry and frustrated, so I make feel a guy that was gentle with me an idiot.
i will ask sorry to him.
im fucking pissed off...

...just got back from the state inspection tripe. to give you the short of it, my car needs ~$2000 worth of repair (after i had spent $425! just for the minimum stuff like brakes and a new belt because that shit was gone and i still have to get to school somehow right?). that's $2000 i dont have, but more importantly, that's $500 more than i fucking paid for the car...

moral of the story is, i am most likely going to go new car shopping...