The return of the "How are you today?" thread

I slept two hours, there's candy, chips, fast food, coca cola and stuff all around me and I'm feeling sick and not wanting to eat anything. I hate New Year. Oh well, at least I woke up to watch the Simpsons marathon on tv. Rules. I'm so tired.
I don't have a hangover (at 5 am I started drinking water instead of alcohol) but I feel so shitty because the guy I love(d) had sex with another girl last night. Sucks like hell
Thanks guys *hug*, it's a really great start of the year :erk:

I mean it's actually not that bad because we were never a couple but still the moment I saw them kissing, my heart broke into two :waah:
What the fuck :Smug:

What's not to understand? The day after new years eve, people are posting that they're hungover in a "how are you today" thread. Still following me? okay good.
I, however, posted that I'm fine rather than being hungover, and elaborated on why that is. I know it was a little confusing but hopefully you're clear now.
wait a secound. i understood everything , you got me wrong.
It was rather the'' Takes me forever to get drunk off of that even though it's 13%''
Shouldnt it be :'' Takes me forever to get drunk off of that because its 13%''??
Not really. I don't typically drink hard alcohol. When I do I really only drink Cognac. If you consider beer/ale to be the "standard" drink, they're typically around 5% alcohol content. American big-brew pisswater being even lower.
Wine is typically 11-14%, and once you go past that you're venturing into Port territory. After you get to roughly 30 or 40% you have to distill whatever it is you're looking to turn into alcohol because yeast won't ferment/live in conditions that alcoholic. Even at 14ish % you're pushing it.
So, with this being said, 13% is a fairly respectable amount of alcohol for something that isn't a liquor, and beer pales in comparison as far as alcohol content.
But I suppose that since I don't drink liquor all the time none of this means anything.