The return of the "How are you today?" thread

I know that, but you've got to be a good judge of character for it:) I hide my emotion very well irl, and people usually assume I'm depressed. Thanks for the compliment, but I feel that you're nicer, as I rarely care about things:( I'm braindead atm and can't pay a decent compliment :lol:
I know that, but you've got to be a good judge of character for it:) I hide my emotion very well irl, and people usually assume I'm depressed. Thanks for the compliment, but I feel that you're nicer, as I rarely care about things:( I'm braindead atm and can't pay a decent compliment :lol:

It's fine, there's no need to pay any compliment to me... I said that about you cause I really felt to, and I was sincere.
So, it's all ok... :)
Maccie D's is what the jocks/chavs call it down here:lol: It's just degrading and the top insults us metallers use at school if a stupid kid isn't gonna get their grades: "Why bother making a comeback with you when you're just going to end up working in McDonalds or a factory? EMCEE your way out of that you stupid wigger" I never got a response for that:p
^Yeah, come on, Roxy: you're italian for a half, so... let's go to work in a pizza restaurant, you and I! :lol: ..;)

Maccie D's is what the jocks/chavs call it down here:lol: It's just degrading and the top insults us metallers use at school if a stupid kid isn't gonna get their grades: "Why bother making a comeback with you when you're just going to end up working in McDonalds or a factory? EMCEE your way out of that you stupid wigger" I never got a response for that:p
I hope you'll have it soon! :D ...:)
^you're unbelievable! Hehe.. Well, I really hope it all will end fine... :)

Per Ari (se leggi..è la risposta che ti ho dato oggi ma è nella pagina precedente così la riscrivo):
Eccomi qui, Ari.... mi spiace che stai ancora male, cavolo...
Ma ti viene spesso? Sta cribbio di cistite è davvero fastidiosa, lo so...è molto dolorosa, impedisce le attività quotidiane e... rovina l'umore.
Hai preso qualcosina per attenuare il fastidio? Un monuril sarebbe ottimo...