The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Happy as hell! Finally bought Legion of the Damned's new album Sons of the Jackal and kicks major ass!!:kickass:

Legion i arose. A flood of inhumanity. An acid rain to purify the world. The asp at Pharoh's breast, the atom split under duress. A sniper a gate of spattered pearl. My heart tore apart at the rifle gate. Safe for an unfurl flag of hate to enthroll a mindless zombie race!

Sorry, i just had to write that. It reminded me of that song so much. Well today, I had to go through a boring day at school and take a math test. I'm tired.
^Ehehe, the funny thing is that you guessed right, Ari! :)
Well, but seriously speaking, my doctor reproached me today, cause of my continuous loss of weight....
But I can't help it, I'm never hungry and so I lost a lot... but I can't help it... I can't eat, now, I don't know why though... whatever.