The return of the "How are you today?" thread

They're young, cut them a break. If you don't like it, there's an ignore function.

This goes for all of you.
I feel accomplished. I just re-arranged my room to make a larger desk space for papers n shit (where my PC used to be) and now my PC is here.

weirdness, never seen a square flat screen... and no place for legs under the desk FTL
No and fuck you :lol:

Anyway, I just started a band with some mates, obviously it's just for fun and will take fucking ages to get anywhere decent. But hey you gotta start somewhere.

The gay thing is that the bassist is one of those over-excitable types so he's all like "YEAH FUCK YEAH GIGS YEAH RELEASE AN ALBUM FUCK YEAH" and I'm just like " You're delusional..."
I keep not understanding you, I'm sorry... I'm italian and don't speak english well so, if you cared to explain, that would be nice... it's up to you anyway, no worries, hey.