The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Indentation doesn't serve any intrinsec purpose, actually, it would work exactly the same if it were written like this:
void limpa_vetor(char vetor*, TipoMatriz a, int n, int linha_atual){int tmp,k,l;for (k = 0; k < n; k++){while( vetor[k] != "/0"){if(vetor[k] != " "){a[linha_atual][vetor[k-48]] = 1;}}}}

The difference is, the indented way is more logical and makes it harder to comit stupid mistakes.

BTW, that's programming code. C, FWIW.
Just arrived home from a commemoration (Hungarian Revolution in 1848-49).
Lately I don't spend that much time posting on the board dunno why:zombie:
@durka durkette: don't meh, be happy :)

i have a pimple on my nipple today. It's the 4th time i'm writing this down, cause it sounds so interesting :tickled:

i've also been daydreaming about getting 40 million on the lottery. It would fucking rawk.
On other news, school still sucks, my ride home on the bus still gets me a terrible back ache, and i ate too much on lunch.
Same shit, different day :p
Tut Ankh Amon said:
On other news, school still sucks, my ride home on the bus still gets me a terrible back ache, and i ate too much on lunch.
Same shit, different day :p
Fuck, same. My travel home takes like 1:30/2 hours :eek:

It's not SSDD yet though. First week.
BloodyScalpel said:
Fuck, same. My travel home takes like 1:30/2 hours :eek:

It's not SSDD yet though. First week.
mine is a bit over 1 hour
but my bus is like 15 years old, it's dirty, it smells, and i don't fit in it, so i gotta get on a totally crappy position.
That, without mentioning the eventual cockroaches that show up when it's really hot :p
Tut Ankh Amon said:
mine is a bit over 1 hour
but my bus is like 15 years old, it's dirty, it smells, and i don't fit in it, so i gotta get on a totally crappy position.
That, without mentioning the eventual cockroaches that show up when it's really hot :p
I have to get two buses =/

At least they're both new, except that one is one of those crap microbuses("which I don't fit in, so I gotta get on a totally crap position")