The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Aye, and the pretty ones are usually either too few in number or just fucking idiots.

Yeah, they are so fucking up themselves it hurts. Someone should just arsebonk them and have done with it so they can spend the rest of their lives as a piece of shit on the floor - the same feeling they give everyone else who is around them..
I dont. You're fucking Irish. :lol:

That hurts my feelings..:waah:

CliffBurton said:
No you are a pussy. Religion doesn't quite work that way, where one picks and chooses the pros and cons of each one and calls themselves "borderline atheist" to come off as open minded. Your argument is completely invalid on that ignorance alone.

:Smug:Yeah,yeah the idea that maintains seperate religious paradigms is that you can't chop and choose and deviate from whats laid out in the model blueprint of what you're particular religion expects of you,but I don't really consider atheism a religion.. It's a sort of rationalised system of beliefs but I wouldn't call it a religion as such,it's more closely related to a science imo. So I'm not actually a pussy bitch, I'm in transition :P I don't think you can automatically shift from two ideologies without questioning everything about them to make sure that you can credibly and truthfully belong to one grouping as opposed to the other, so yeah I'm leaning towards atheism at the mo,doesn't mean I'm pretending I'm atheist to appear openminded I'm just in that transitionary phase. Your lack of common sense makes your arguement against me invalid on that ignorance alone.
:Smug:Yeah,yeah the idea that maintains seperate religious paradigms is that you can't chop and choose and deviate from whats laid out in the model blueprint of what you're particular religion expects of you,but I don't really consider atheism a religion.. It's a sort of rationalised system of beliefs but I wouldn't call it a religion as such,it's more closely related to a science imo. So I'm not actually a pussy bitch, I'm in transition :P I don't think you can automatically shift from two ideologies without questioning everything about them to make sure that you can credibly and truthfully belong to one grouping as opposed to the other, so yeah I'm leaning towards atheism at the mo,doesn't mean I'm pretending I'm atheist to appear openminded I'm just in that transitionary phase. Your lack of common sense makes your arguement against me invalid on that ignorance alone.

Can you post the tl;dr for this?:(
:Smug:Yeah,yeah the idea that maintains seperate religious paradigms is that you can't chop and choose and deviate from whats laid out in the model blueprint of what you're particular religion expects of you,but I don't really consider atheism a religion.. It's a sort of rationalised system of beliefs but I wouldn't call it a religion as such,it's more closely related to a science imo. So I'm not actually a pussy bitch, I'm in transition :P I don't think you can automatically shift from two ideologies without questioning everything about them to make sure that you can credibly and truthfully belong to one grouping as opposed to the other, so yeah I'm leaning towards atheism at the mo,doesn't mean I'm pretending I'm atheist to appear openminded I'm just in that transitionary phase. Your lack of common sense makes your arguement against me invalid on that ignorance alone.

So you were Christian, people made fun of you for it and you realized it was wrong, but you call yourself "borderline" because you are transitioning away? To YOU, maybe you don't follow a specific blueprint, but the problem lies in all the people who take their spirituality seriously. Someone who doesn't follow the rules and disciplines or a religion shouldn't get a chance to say they are apart of the club.

Going back to your original malarky, if you don't do the teachings of God, you aren't a good person, and not beliving in every word he's said is a massive crime. soooo, it wasn't actually God writing the bible, well done. The point is the bible was created so people can read what he was saying to these people....annnd if you have "faith", as in you will believe without question, you are a good person.

lol@teenagers who think they are spiritually open at 14.

still I'll not have some internet smartass showing me up :p

I'd rather not have some internet dumbass showing me his/her thoughts.
:erk: That comment is so full of pretenscious, ridiculous assumptions and arguements that have nothing to do with what I origionally posted that I'll have to get back to it later when I have more time to actually give a shit.
And I love the way you assume intellectual superiority over everyone else on the board when you're not able to believe that 14 year olds (way to generalise) can be capable of self reflection.
You don't like people showing you their thoughts?? Well done on becoming a member of an internet discussion board.
Without taking any sides, I just have to say Happ to not even bother.

Arguing online is just stupid and pointless.

EDIT: By which I mean that people usually don't end up changing their minds anyway, for any number of reasons, and so it only becomes an exercise in futility. And even the smartest and most well-intended people can end up acting badly.