The Ring imagery and Opeth


Fuck consensus reality
Dec 19, 2001
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I got the distinct feeling that some of the imagery and cinemetography in this film go's hand in hand with some of the imagery that Opeth paint with their music. The surreal, vista views and bleakness from the film got me thinking alot about Damnation, Deliverance and MAYH. The subject matter, a story of spirits haunting the real world and influencing those they came in contact with. A perfect soundtrack for mine...
aaah that film blows goats - watch the original. Every scene that had tension or was frightening got massacred by the yanks. I mean for one thing, in the original sadaka ('samara') hardly had any screen time at all, yet alone that stupid interview tape from where she was supposed to be in a mental hospital. She didn't kill horses she killed people (no mention of bloody horses in the original) and so many things about the remake just suck (unless you're stupid). ESPECIALLY the evil video itself, what the hells scary about a ladder and a caterpillar? lol. if you haven't seen it, watch the original first, and its sequel ring II, which is also excellent. The japanese know how to combine sparseness, death and sexual undertones to create a feeling of pure horror. The Americans make you feel sorry for the god damned evil murdering kid for being chucked down a well :D!
Neurotomania said:
aaah that film blows goats - watch the original. Every scene that had tension or was frightening got massacred by the yanks. I mean for one thing, in the original sadaka ('samara') hardly had any screen time at all, yet alone that stupid interview tape from where she was supposed to be in a mental hospital. She didn't kill horses she killed people (no mention of bloody horses in the original) and so many things about the remake just suck (unless you're stupid). ESPECIALLY the evil video itself, what the hells scary about a ladder and a caterpillar? lol. if you haven't seen it, watch the original first, and its sequel ring II, which is also excellent. The japanese know how to combine sparseness, death and sexual undertones to create a feeling of pure horror. The Americans make you feel sorry for the god damned evil murdering kid for being chucked down a well :D!

I fully agree! :rock:
Neurotomania said:
aaah that film blows goats - watch the original. Every scene that had tension or was frightening got massacred by the yanks. I mean for one thing, in the original sadaka ('samara') hardly had any screen time at all, yet alone that stupid interview tape from where she was supposed to be in a mental hospital. She didn't kill horses she killed people (no mention of bloody horses in the original) and so many things about the remake just suck (unless you're stupid). ESPECIALLY the evil video itself, what the hells scary about a ladder and a caterpillar? lol. if you haven't seen it, watch the original first, and its sequel ring II, which is also excellent. The japanese know how to combine sparseness, death and sexual undertones to create a feeling of pure horror. The Americans make you feel sorry for the god damned evil murdering kid for being chucked down a well :D!

this wasn't supposed to be a review on how accurate the film was to the original version. Or a review on how good the film is. I was merely pointing out that a correllation could be drawn between the emotion and lyrics that Opeth convey and the imagery and subject matter from the film.

While we're flaming though, I thought the american version was quite good, and frightening...and that japanese horror films tend to be suitably droll, with usually crappy cinemetography.
nah just trust me. the original IS BETTER. its like compared psycho to the remake or something - the original is just plain better.
liking the origional more is so l337 and c00l

I've seen both, and maybe it's because I saw the origional after the remake, but i thought the origional was boring.. but like i said it could be cause i saw it after, so I already knew what was going to happen for the most part
i couldnt agree more, the cinematography in the remake is incredibly opeth-ish, and just generally expressed the same sort of thing.
the original was a very good horror film, but the remake was a cinematic masterpiece, they are incredibly different films, both very good, i dont think its very logical or necessary to compare them
sorry guys but the original was lacking in too many ways to be good

the story progression was awful...instead of a suspensful mystery, clues to what was going on were revealed through the main character's inexplicable 'ESP'

yes...that's exactly what they call it in the movie

the tape was not scary..and in fact, had almost entirely no bearing on other events in the movie

there were some tiny things explained better in the original in why the whole thing is happening but the cinematography and progression of the characters INVESTIGATING the clues found in the tape to find out what's happening just steals the show

it's a beautifully shot movie at the least...and far more believable than people who solve a mystery because they have inklings of psychic abilities
Neurotomania said:
aaah that film blows goats - watch the original. Every scene that had tension or was frightening got massacred by the yanks. I mean for one thing, in the original sadaka ('samara') hardly had any screen time at all, yet alone that stupid interview tape from where she was supposed to be in a mental hospital. She didn't kill horses she killed people (no mention of bloody horses in the original) and so many things about the remake just suck (unless you're stupid). ESPECIALLY the evil video itself, what the hells scary about a ladder and a caterpillar? lol. if you haven't seen it, watch the original first, and its sequel ring II, which is also excellent. The japanese know how to combine sparseness, death and sexual undertones to create a feeling of pure horror. The Americans make you feel sorry for the god damned evil murdering kid for being chucked down a well :D!
That's what most "film geeks" say, but I own the original, and I think it's vastly inferior. It's way less creepy, and the acting is absolutely wretched, even in comparison to the american version. Especially that opening scene with the two teenagers. Wow. The video on the original I thought was far less scary as well, what is scary in THAT? It's a bunch of kanji symbols. When the video ended on the japanese one, I was just sort of like "THat's IT?" I agree that the ladder sucked, but the original video was just lame. That whole movie was pretty lame compared to the remake. I also didn't like how the well was under a house in the Japanese one, but I guess that did make it more creepy. And yeah, the whole backhistory of the daughter seemed to make less sense in the original. I don't know. The japanese one really wasn't scary at all except where the girl came out of the tv, when the american one scared the crap out of me with the corpses of the victims. Oh well. The japanese one DID have creepier music, I'll give it that.