aaah that film blows goats - watch the original. Every scene that had tension or was frightening got massacred by the yanks. I mean for one thing, in the original sadaka ('samara') hardly had any screen time at all, yet alone that stupid interview tape from where she was supposed to be in a mental hospital. She didn't kill horses she killed people (no mention of bloody horses in the original) and so many things about the remake just suck (unless you're stupid). ESPECIALLY the evil video itself, what the hells scary about a ladder and a caterpillar? lol. if you haven't seen it, watch the original first, and its sequel ring II, which is also excellent. The japanese know how to combine sparseness, death and sexual undertones to create a feeling of pure horror. The Americans make you feel sorry for the god damned evil murdering kid for being chucked down a well
