the Robotaek thread

the spelling is not important - its just not really plausible what she said if u ask me.
ppl dont change that soon becos of insight, mostly out of fear.
that same fear again :erk:
Faelivrin said:
hm.. after all these things which i said... i was thinking a lot about it... i realized that everything what i said was stupid... and i was childish, and people who argued with me were right... i gave some stupid examples which was wretched... i feel ashamed that i was like that... so i didin't want to speak here... ech...

i realized it some time ago, but i was afraid to say anything here cause i think you won't believe me =( now i know that i was stupid ech... and i want to thank for people who helped me to come back to the right way... ech...

You can't be serious, you must be a clone or a fake account. [size=+2]CONFESS!![/size]

ech... you don't believe me... i don't know what i have to do to explain you that i am not racist anymore =( ... people who knows me well knows that i am not anymore... and it is possible to change thoughts... after all You and my friends said i realized... but.. ech.. you don't care... i'm sorry...
Faelivrin said:
ech... you don't believe me... i don't know what i have to do to explain you that i am not racist anymore =( ... people who knows me well knows that i am not anymore... and it is possible to change thoughts... after all You and my friends said i realized... but.. ech.. you don't care... i'm sorry...
the thing i don't get is that you said "i'm racist"

and now you're not anymore :err:

nope... you never been one..

how old were you again if i may ask? cause i think that explains enough
The point is, you openly stated that you were a racist. You seemed surprised by our reactions, as I don't think any people here share your thoughts. So cos of that it's a bit too weird that you make a comeback and say that in that short period of time your thoughts on that matter have completely changed. Honestly, there's not much credibility in that, cos racists usually don't change their thoughts that fast.
nobody understand me.. ech... say what you want...
i have never be racist who screams that hates other people, wear clothes which means that i am racist... my thoughts were stupid because of a some thinghs which i heard... but i know i was wrong... is it hard to understand to you? you think that it is impossible to go back to the right way? i don't know how i can explain it to you. your'e not me and you'll never undersnad me... pity... =( if you don't accept me i go...
Faelivrin said:
nobody understand me.. ech... say what you want...
i have never be racist who screams that hates other people, wear clothes which means that i am racist... my thoughts were stupid because of a some thinghs which i heard... but i know i was wrong... is it hard to understand to you? you think that it is impossible to go back to the right way? i don't know how i can explain it to you. your'e not me and you'll never undersnad me... pity... =( if you don't accept me i go...

as i said above,.. you never were one..