1. The funniest
Tough choice because most people here are amusing, but I'm going to have to go with Magsec on this one.
2. Most annoying
Amongst the contemporaries, I'm afraid it is Lost to Apathy.
3. Best signature (at this time)
Although I love Nick's chicken-shack, I have to go with Northern Lights. Brilliant quote from a brilliant book! :Spin:
4. Best User name
Child of Time.
5. Worst User name
Lost to Apathy/DT1992746562/hyphenunderscoreelevenapostropheetc, or anything else so undistinctive.
6. Best avatar (at this time)
I quite like mine, but I can't vote for mine

So, I would have to say Salami's.
7. Best title
Petyr Baelish on so many levels
8. The nicest/friendliest
Mags, NL, Nick, Hyena, Siren, most people here
9. The wisest
Child of Time seems pretty wise, as do many. On a day to day basis, NL is pretty wise as well. Nick, in his own wise-ass way.
10. The sexiest/hottest (or the cutest, if you feel like TFH)
For me, it has to be Northern Lights.
11. Which members would you most like to hang out with
Most of them: NL, Nick, Hyena, Ormir/Sami, Naku, Siren, Mags, CoT, rahvin. Pretty much everyone. I'm sociable these days.
12. Greatest Dark Tranquillity fan
Villain, Gtranquillity and Tranquillian all jostle for first place. Who wins depends on the roll of the dice!
13. Best thread maker
Naku, for the incredibly bizarre titles to said threads.
14. Best taste in music
Anyone who appreciates the inner beauty of such songs as 'We went up the hill to slay the dragon but the beastie wasn't home' or 'I'm a pirate! Yaaaaaaar, and I come to steal ye booty! Yaaaaaaaaar!'
15. Who you respect most
NL, Nick for the difficult months he got through, Hyena for ther success, Mags and CoT for their abilities.
16. Person whose posts are most difficult to understand
Often La Rocque, sometimes Lost to Apathy.
17. Who you'd like to have a drink with
NL is quite fun to drink with. Sami definitely. Also everyone above listed, like I said, I'm sociable.
18. Who'd clean up your vomit after serious drinkin'
I'd trust NL to do it, hopefully it will never be necessary though
19. Who'd you trust and go to if you were lost in the world
NL, and the world travellers. Or a nice policeman.