The secret to Tool's "Lateralus"

Ben_Bids_You_Farewell said:
Hey, if Tool are good enough for Opeth, by default they are good enough for all of us :worship: :grin:

Seriously though, they do make great music and one of the main reasons I listen to them is because of Maynards voice (no,I'm not some geek who worships the guy,just think he's got great vocal range). I do think the lyrics are very creative and make you think, but in some respects I think you should take them with a grain of salt, as Maynard in particular is known for his smart-arseness (not a word i know) Hey,he even says "Over thinking,over analysing separates the body from the mind" so you never know,that could be his way of saying "cummon all you fanboys,get a life" who knows :Spin:

Also, i find it quite funny that everyone here is arguing over whether Lateralus is a great album or not.The theme of Lateralus is communication,so by discussing it in any form basicaly means your doing what Maynard wants you to do anyway :lol:

Oh,and to all those that say all Tool fans are dickheads, I'm pretty sure EVERY band has some dickhead fans. So shut up.

The End. :wave:
:lol: The End :D
KielbasaSausage said:
for one, this is the reason why i dont understand much of tool's fans: they are usually hooked on trying to find out all the possible meanings tied to the band members' relationships and lives. go outside and live your own life. enjoy the music; stop giving a damn about the members of tool and their artistic facade.

I don't know if this was directed at me or at the stereotypical Tool fanboy...

If it was directed at me: Where did I mention that spend hours analyzing how some lyrics might apply to the members of Tool's lives? Nowhere did I mention even caring about the lives of the band members, (although I do, which is beside the point) I just thoroughly enjoy the same philosophies and spirituality that they enjoy.

KielbasaSausage said:
second, research into their lyrics provide valuable insight into all the philosophy and religious crap that you've learned in grade school. ive heard all of that stuff once already, and im not gonna take a recommendation into consideration from some kid who just stumbled upon this.

Yep, you got it! All the philosophy that you learned in grade school! Need I even bother replying to this?
"Think for yourself."

"Smoke crack and spiral out, keep going...spiral out, keep going..."

I learned those in elementary school.
i think tool has the best songwriting in metal! well, if you consider them metal. but thats a matter of opinion i guess. but i think its safe to say they definately have the best drummer in rock...period. whoever argues with that is a fool! well then theres meshuggah, but that type of music is annoying to try to follow...and now im rambling on cuz im bored...but ill just go find something else to do :|
i think tool has the best songwriting in metal! well, if you consider them metal. but thats a matter of opinion i guess. but i think its safe to say they definately have the best drummer in rock...period. whoever argues with that is a fool! well then theres meshuggah, but that type of music is annoying to try to follow...and now im rambling on cuz im bored...but ill just go find something else to do :|

Well this is the order I came up with.
(BTW, fill in the spaces, this gives you a major idea of what they are going on about)

1,11,13,4,5,8,6 and 7 at the end.

If you don't know much about Solomonic magick or Enoch you probably won't understand this album. To me Ticks and Leaches is about Nigillum Angels (read the Book of Enoch and you will agree with me{Vampires}). Faaip de Oaid is in the Enochian Tongue anyway (Enochian is the language of Angels). The grudge is about angels being punished and bound to the earth, and their grudge against humanity and god. Schism, well, the words "I know the pieces fit, because I saw them fall away" make it self explanatory, putting it after Faaip de Oaid (The voice of god in Enochian) and mantra seems to make sense. And well Parabol... that just springs out as backup to what Ive already stated. "I want to creamate your crutch"... well, as far as Enoch was concerned, angels were bound to the earth for raping women... though most were wiped out in noah's flood; or so the legend goes.
Icon of siN said:
If you don't know much about Solomonic magick or Enoch you probably won't understand this album.
This is the sort of stuff that turns me off to Tool. They make their fans think they are way too special and smarter than other people, so much that a regular person will not enjoy a Tool album unless they know about some wacky number pattern...or maybe it's just the fans themselves....
Most of their older songs are pretty shallow.

"Hey fuck you" and all that. Tool are nothing more than an artsy Korn.
Icon of siN said:
If you don't know much about Solomonic magick or Enoch you probably won't understand this album.

I know nothing about Solomnic magick or Enoch.
I understand the album perfectly well.

Shut the fuck up.