I want to stop hearing the name Megadeth on everything related to him and Nick Menza.

I like Megadeth and always have and I'm sure like so many others DM has been a dick, maybe even DE before he got ordained (after becoming ordain I don't think you can be a dick, I'm not sure) but both Nick and Marty have spent years in then media going on about how badly they were treated in Megadeth but they still use the band name and DM's name to sell themselves. I understand some of it is piss poor journalism because they know mentioning a feud will hook readers but it just seems that neither Marty or Nick (Or those dealing with Nick's stuff after his death) want to let the Megadeth moniker go either.
I don't think artists always know or have the say on how they're advertised. I think some of that is the promoters fault. But I know what you mean.
Just make everything black, that's never been done before and I'm sure it would be a commercial success.
You know someone actually does lol I've forgotten who exactly but it's a box set and everything is black . I'll have to ask the ex gf who it is.

I liked Metalocalipse a lot. Shame how CTN screwed them. But I haven't really listened to much of it outside of the show, and I've heard even less Galacticon (if any)
I don't think artists always know or have the say on how they're advertised. I think some of that is the promoters fault. But I know what you mean.

I guess my latest gripe is with whoever is releasing Nick's book. I don't mean the guy disrespect he was a great drummer but since he died those releasing his book have made many a point about how bad DM is and how DM ripped him off and how DM is the biggest dick on the planet but then they allowed the title of his book to reference Megadeth. For me it reeks of trying to make money of what they are telling people they hate.

You know someone actually does lol I've forgotten who exactly but it's a box set and everything is black . I'll have to ask the ex gf who it is.

Famously Metallica went black (with a snake) but there has been a lot of black albums, one of the best never actually existed, Smell The Glove by Spinal Tap :)

I liked Metalocalipse a lot. Shame how CTN screwed them. But I haven't really listened to much of it outside of the show, and I've heard even less Galacticon (if any)

Dethklok wasn't the best stuff ever and the lyrics weren't ever going to win awards but I still liked it. Galakitkon is really good work but it's kind of like Ayeron's Star One, if you aren't interested in the topic the music is not as interesting.
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It was a little weird that they are having his book "drastically" rewritten after Nick passed. I think they have the right to reference Megadeth though.
Because he was in the line up that really broke them into a larger level and Nick really lived those live performances. I wish they weren't rewriting the book to tell about Dave. But then again maybe Dave has this coming. He puts out more dirty laundry and false statements than anyone and so far has managed to stay relatively unscathed. Love Dave though lol
It was a little weird that they are having his book "drastically" rewritten after Nick passed. I think they have the right to reference Megadeth though.
Because he was in the line up that really broke them into a larger level and Nick really lived those live performances. I wish they weren't rewriting the book to tell about Dave. But then again maybe Dave has this coming. He puts out more dirty laundry and false statements than anyone and so far has managed to stay relatively unscathed. Love Dave though lol

Oh yeah I have no problem with him talking about it and talking big about it, I just think it stinks that they seem to be riding on the name Megadeth so much. Nick was a big part of Megadeth back then but he was also so much more. It's been twenty years since R.I.P. and he's done other things with his life. Even Marty Friedman still drops the name Megadeth whenever he can. I think both could stand up on their own.

I met Dave at Soundwave 2012, watched the boys play from side of stage and the guy may well be the biggest dick in metal but he wasn't to us and watching him play from that close was something that is going to be hard to beat. When I get around to writing my life story its going to be called "The day I met Megadeth and stubbed my toed because Dave Mustaine is a dick and other stories that don't include meeting Megadeth or how much of a dick Dave Mustaine is!"
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I haven't heard Marty or Nick bring up Megadeth as much as the interviewer asking them about it. Marty seemed like he actually tried to distance himself from it for a good many years but I think he gave up now lol people just love that solo in Tornado Of Souls lol.
But I'm sure they've both used it at times. I think some people out there need that name drop. It amazes me when I hear some people who say they like metal but don't really know who the guys are. So I like to think of it as it's for the dumb or casual fan and not so much name dropping. But that might be me with wishful thinking :D

That's great that you got to watch them from the side of the stage! I play guitar but I can barely say a word and play at the same time lol
What Dave does is true natural talent. I have big respect for that.
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Yeah it's true I guess the media are the most to blame for the references to the past of anything/anyone. I know Marty spent a lot of time in Japan, some say to escape what he left behind, and while he's a good guitarist I'm not a huge fan of his stuff. Cacophony was ok but I've ignored most of his solo stuff. But then at the same time I pretty much ignored Megadeth from Youthansia to United Abominations not because anyone of them was a dick but because there was nothing positive coming out in the media and rather than read it I just ignored both releases and media. I know a lot of people hated that era but I've since gone back and listened to the albums and while they wont be favourites I don't hate them.

I've always admired both Dave's and their playing and on that tour they were the best guys we saw, Slayer also played that event a year or so later and while they put on a killer set they pretty much locked off back stage even to us event staff and they refused to talk to anyone. That at the time seemed like a real dick move but at the same time Tom was sick and I can respect their space, big difference was no one called Slayer dick's for closing off their stage but they were hounding the two Dave's looking for anything bad. Little did they know at the time that the prick organising Soundwave was ripping off all the bands and a few years later would dip out owing some of the bands up to $300K so if they were looking for a dick they should have been looking closer to home.
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The only Megadeth I don't own is Risk lol I'm not crazy about UA either. The riffs and Dave's voice were pretty good as was the bass. But it has these really high background harmonies and I just really don't like either Drover. Oh! and that Jack Bower crap from the show 24 I thought that was really cheesy.

It really is a double edged sword for Mustaine. He's really damned if he does and damned if Doesn't.
I didn't know he had ripped off so much money! That's really not cool lol
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I was not a fan of Killing is my Business, I like the songs when they play them now but the album itself is not something I really go back and listen to often. I know Mustaine also talks of the "World Needs a Hero" phase as them following what the record company wanted more than their roots but at the same time I don't mind some of those songs. I don't think they were ever going to get the commercial success the label (or maybe him) thought they were going to get by going softer but I can understand why people hated the album, I just didn't think it was as bad as some make out.

The money things rears it's head in so many arguments that I tend to ignore that, it's no different from any other boss employee relationship. I don't condone any of it but to me both sides of any argument about money are usually the problem.
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I love KISMB it's so raw and Dave is super pissed lol, WNAH I liked especially after Risk. I think it lacked punch in the production and most of the songs would have sounded better bumped up a few speeds. And although Al and Jimmy were good I think they were probably held back a bit.
Dave and Megadeth has always been my go to band for shit stirring. When Super Collider came out I didn't immediately hate it, it didn't go to number one on my list, but I still enjoyed parts of it but the guys I knew at the time hated it mostly because they hated Dave. They decided months before it came out it was going to be shit so as soon as it came out I started talking it up. By the time Dystopia came out I didn't care how good it was going to be I started talking it up 6 months before it was released then told everyone after it was released that it was the best MD album ever. One of the guys stopped talking to me for 3 months :)
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Yeah I admit being pretty disappointed in SC, but it wasn't so much for what it was as it wasn't what they said, and what I was expecting.
They were saying stuff like KISMB. It is not. And then Dave blamed management lol
Damn! three months?! HA!
Dave blamed management and the record label for WNAH too, I guess some blame has to be laid on record companies because they do control artists but at the same time it's rarely a one sided fight. I see some reports saying Megadeth are back in the studio soon with the hope of a new album sometime in the new year. I don't want RIP II but I hope they can do something worth while.
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I find it hard to believe that Dave is that much of a pushover to anyone lol. I'm sure other entities have sway but the buck has to stop with Mustaine I think. Especially nowadays. Yeah Dave mentioned he had ideas a while back. I want Rust 2 lol! But not without that line up so it's never gonna happen. But I love Dystopia so if he can do that at least I'll be happy. But I'd like it to be even faster and I think we have a good chance at that. Because of what Metallica just did. Dave may say everything is cool. But I'm sure there is still some competition there. Riff wise anyway.
Not that I own the new Metallica lol but it's heavier than what they've done in a longtime.
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There is some horror stories of contracts record companies have given bands over the years, not quite as bad as they were in the 60's and 70's but it's a reason many bigger bands are making their own record labels. I don't know exactly what happened with Megadeth but I can imagine they signed a deal for X albums and maybe even a few compilations over X years and part of that deal was to do as ordered with one album. But it could just have easily gone down the opposite way and it was all Dave's choice and he now wants to blame the record company. They need to ask Dave E for the truth because he's not allowed to lie any more unless it's in a confessional booth :)

I've never wanted Rust 2 even with the original line up because I don't think they could ever have matched what Rust was. Better off letting the fans down with non related albums rather than make a definite connection and make it suck!

The Metallica/Megadeth BS is another one I never got involved with. I've always liked both bands, for me Metallica has done more albums I don't like and Lars's homeless man look has to be the worst advertisement ever for the any band but I still like the majority of their music. But I agree the competition between the two is always going to be there no matter what they say.
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Hahahaha JR might not be able to lie but I'm sure he'll find away to finesse his way around it!.

I was interested in the "feud" lol it was fascinating watching people to come up with reasons to not like Megadeth.
And also I thought Metallica were hypocrites ...Alcohallica anyone?