The solution of the Edit/mtv problem?


Let there be Opeth
Dec 7, 2005
west Norway
hey, you've all probably heard of Opeth's discontent with having to edit down their song for videos and shit, right?

well this fall I bought a metal compilation assembled by Satyr, no less, and on one of the cds there was a version of Deliverance about four minutes long.
Now this wasn't as much an edit as a cut out, it started:

" I drown you in the sea.."
*starts at the heavy part*

and ended after the first round of:

"Aaaaall Over now, forgotten why.."

and it's great! it works like fuck on toast! not really a progressive version, but it's short and it works. I think this is what Opeth should do next time RR gets on their case about editing songs. do you agree?

anyway, why not say "fuck mtv" and make ten minute vids? they could be released on a dvd or something. (they'd probably have to wait until they had sold a shitload of albums cos it would take alot of money)

once again, do you agree?
No. Making a dvd full of music videos would be slightly counter-productive, as videos are put out mainly to attract new listeners. They're propaganda tools for record labels, plain and simple.
No. Opeth should NOT have music videos. No music video would ever do justice to any song written by Opeth, with one exception;

there could be a peice of shit on screen while "Eternal Soul Torture" played.
I dunno some videos are really really good by bands. 'Street spirit' by radio head is really good, the Mars Volta song 'televators' also th NIN videos are pretty damn good also. Too be honest i dont think TGC Video was that bad at all. It works for the song pretty well. But as far as making it look like the rest of Opeths back catalogue, it doesnt work so well. Oh yea beasty boys videos are excellent too. it represents the band for it is i like that. so i believe they could do the same for Opeth
why is every video bad? ... we all agree that there is artwork that fits the music, so why can't there be videos that are art and fit the music ... like the videoclip for One from Metallica ...
a dvd filled with video, perhaps an entire film filled with opeth music ... it could be amazing art, but it could of course also backfire ...
In reference to the editing... how is this a solution? The song is still edited. The feeling of the song is still edited. The MEANING of the song is still edited. No editing will ever do any song any justice; songs are as they are because that's how the artist made them. That's simple enough to understand. Editing a song IS editing its meaning.
If you're going to edit the song in the video then there is no point to the video. But if Opeth are going to make a video then it needs to be of the highest quality or again there is no point to the video, which means no editing. TGC video made me sick.

And i know its not a good comparison, but Tool's videos are always fantastic. Opeth deserves videos of Tool's quality. If they make another video they should get Adam from Tool to make it.
I didn't like the TGC video at like seeing a broken dvd movie, jumping from one scene to another. I can't understand it.....It shouldn't be a trauma for people who see MTV to watch a 10 minutes video, if the song is good!! And TGC is a great song, but the 5 minutes version is just garbage.:yell:

Any solution??....
...set bombs on MTV headquarters!??:hotjump: :D :D