@ MasterOLightning.
First, I don't actually hate the Cubs, but I would really like to see a team go 100 years without a WS, and the Cubbies are the closest to the century mark. Hey, I would have loved for it to be the fuckers in Boston, but that ship has sailed.
Second, I appreciate what you're saying about being a Cubs fan, and how hard it is, how much pain it causes, and so on. I assure you, though, that there are fans out there with just as much passion as Cubs fans, and we hurt just as much as you do when our teams lose. Yes, even Yankee fans. People are openly hostile to us every chance they get, they rub is mercilessly in our faces when the Yankees lose, they hate us even more when the Yankees win, no one gives our good players the credit they deserve. It hurts to see the Yankees struggle because to lose is probably even more humiliating for us than it is for you. No one is going to feel the least bit bad for us if they lose, no one is going to be happy for us if they win. Win lose- people are going to shit all over us either way. The expectations are so high when you're a Yankee fan, that anything other than winning the whole thing is an embarassment.
Other than that, though, being a Yankee fan is pretty fucking sweet. I've seen my team win the WS four times, and I'm getting all fuckin' antsy over here because it's been like seven years what the fuck.
Look, I hope the Cubbies win the series in 2010. I know that's past the 100 year mark, but they can't win it in '08 because that's the last year of Yankee Stadium, and they can't win it in '09 because that's the first year of new Yankee Stadium.