The Sports Thread

Using steroids unfairly puts the player ahead of the curve. It's difficult to get steroids out of your system. Even if you're caught and you stop taking steroids, it's still going to be in your system, so you're still going to have that unfair advantage, so they shouldn't be able to play.
is that a fact? i never knew that. i am under the assumption there is a way to detox the body to get rid of all that stuff in there. i know it cant be done overnight - it takes a while. isnt that what jason giambi did when he took a year off due to that "parasite" he had? he just flushed everything out. thats why he lost all that weight. correct me if im wrong...
I didn't mean it that way. I'm pretty sure it doesn't permanently stay in your system, but it lingers for some time. I still don't think players caught using steroids should be allowed to continue in the game though without some kind of formal appeal.
That list proves nothing, and will do absolutely nothing. The MLB will take no action.

Which is good. Remember, back in the early 90's when the game was dying, using steroids was encouraged. And it wasn't illegal until 2000-something.
Mathiäs;6785143 said:
That list proves nothing, and will do absolutely nothing. The MLB will take no action.
Stop being such an apologist for your team of cheaters. The photocopied checks are damning evidence, and there is ample evidence against everyone involved with BALCO. There were plenty of names left off the list due to an actual lack of proof, so the ones on there were the closest to sure things. I would be really surprised if any more than one or two of the names actually didn't use steroids.
I actually feel happy for Bonds today. He was probably waiting for this for a long fucking time. It's good another big name, Clemens, is there with him. The best hitter of our generation and the best pitcher - both users. Go Figure. Everyone pointed at him and only him for like 2 it's wide open.

Jose Canseco said AROD should have been on the list. I am sure there are lots of other superstars who weren't named. I'd love the know the truth.

That's fucked up.

On a side note. Here's a little piece that just hit me the wrong way. This is from the NFL's official website concerning top storylines (NFL LINK).
What's at stake? Only the continuation of the Patriots' march toward the first perfect season since 1972. Oh, and a little payback after the Jets prompted the "spygate" controversy after Week 1, which has cost the Patriots one of their two first-round draft picks in the 2008 draft.
Ok first off, the whole purpose of payback, is vengeance after being wronged. The Patriots were not wronged, they were caught red fucking handed cheating like bitches, and they didn't even do it just once. This just happened to be the one time it backfired on them. How the fuck can the NFL allow stupid shit like this on their own fucking website. I mean, it seems as if they condone it; anything for a story huh? I'm disgusted right now.

edit: Just found this bit of info too:
The Colts need one more win to become the only team in NFL history with five consecutive 12-plus win seasons.
That's a pretty sweet accomplishment eh?
The National Patriots League. ESPN even had a category in their ticker for the Patriots all by themselves.