The Sports Thread

You simply have NO IDEA what it's like to root for a team that wins a whole lot and has a huge, incredibly arrogant fan base that literally everyone else hates with a passion. No. Idea.
Elway was the best QB ever. He took some very mediocre teams to the Super Bowl, and then won when he had great teams.

Brady's offensive line has about 80% to do with his success. Name me a quarterback without a solid offensive line that did anything this year.
its premature to say brady is the best ever. he is clearly the best right now - no question. if they win the superbowl this year, and then possibly one more or two more, he will easily be the best ever. i mean who is better right now? montana - probably. active qb's? manning? hardly. brady has more superbowls, better stats and 3 less years in the league. favre? no, but he is awesome. a pats packers superbowl would rule. an old warrior like favre against a young gunner like brady. id love to see that.

You're fucked in the head if you think Brady has better stats than Manning. If you actually look up Manning's '04 season, he obtained 49 tds in 6 LESS QUARTERS. That's a whole game in a half. That sad part is, you can clearly see Brady forcing the ball to Moss the entire Dolphins game, it was fucking pathetic. Oh yeah, and the one stat you cannot argue in the league when it comes to QB's, the undeniable end all be all stat for QB's in the league is QB rating. Brady couldn't even touch Manning's QB rating in '04 either. Manning has been putting up insane numbers for years. Brady has had one great year, period.

the "best" qb to me is the guy you want the most when there's under 2 minutes to go in the game, you don't have all your timeouts and you're down by 4 so you need a touchdown or else you lose. iirc in all the big games for Brady he didn't need a touchdown. of coarse that's not his fault and he's proved many times that he can get you into field goal range with the game on the line but scoring a TD in that type of scenario is a whole other animal.

I'd take Manning over Brady any day.

Elway was the best QB ever. He took some very mediocre teams to the Super Bowl, and then won when he had great teams.

Brady's offensive line has about 80% to do with his success. Name me a quarterback without a solid offensive line that did anything this year.

I still think the #1 pure QB ever is Marino. No one can top what he did in his career. Yes his records have been broken, but in 84 when he set that td record, and passing yards in a season, that was the most insane, amazing feat in professional sports ever imo. Zero super bowls or not.
Once again, around the world, people are dissing and dismissing the Chargers. Constantly on talk radio it's like, "who will play the Pats in the Superbowl? Will it be Green Bay or NY Giants?" I even heard one guy say he hopes it's Green Bay/NE, because the Pats would stomp the Giants. He went on to say that if it was SD/GB or SD/Giants, he could hardly be bothered to watch!

I said this near the start of the playoffs, that if the Chargers start winning, many "sports fans" would be upset. So far we took away their precious ramatch between Indy and NE. I fear that if the Chargers beat NE everyone (especially sponsors and TV networks) will be very disappointed. But think of that story! All season long it's "will the Patriots have a perfect season?" etc, and the Chargers have been seen just as a major disappointment (even though they have improved tons), or just some obscure team with LT. If SD wins it could be the biggest upset in NFL history. Man, if it happens, I sure hope SD goes on to win the Superbowl. If not, people would hate them even more.

Personally I can understand that people want to see the superstars, but ultimately, I want a superbowl win for the Chargers, and this would be a great season to do it in.
Biggest upset ever? I don't think so. Most people in the media forget that the Chargers went 14-2 last year. So I mean, if the Chargers do indeed win it all this year, it will make me feel a little better about the Colts choking, but not much better. I personally don't give a shit who wins the super bowl this year as long as the Pats lose. I'm rooting for the Giants tbh. Now if the Giants made it to the super bowl, and beat the Pats, that would arguably be the biggest upset in a really long time.
I only said biggest upset, because the whole NFL world is intently watching to see if NE can go unbeaten, and many think they will. I can see the Giants upsetting them as being bigger in mahy ways (NFC wildcrad team beating the AFC Monster), but if they don't even make it to the Superbowl, that would be a pretty big upset as well.

People didn't forget SD's 14-2 at the start of the season, but you're right that when SD started off so poorly, they were quickly relegated to the disappointment bin and forgotten about. I think SD will have the emotional edge, and if they can execute, it will be a great game. Possibly better than the Colts/Pats would have been, although I am sure Indy would have been more fired up than they were when they played the Chargers. I agree with you that there was too much cool down for them, and then to have an extra week off, probably crippled their mental and physical game to some degree.
Well, what made it worst was, they had all of that time off to let some of the starters get healthy, and some of them never did. Harrison was obviously still hurt, Mathis and Broock didn't touch anyone the entire game, except when Mathis jacked up LT's knee (woops!). Both of them had bruised knees. Bethea wasn't flying around to the ball like he normally does. Don't get me wrong, I'm not blamming their loss on injuries, but dear god you could tell that the accumilation of injuries this season really hurt them more than most people thought, including me. I thought they were going to be fine, but I was wrong. I was missing Freeney after the first quarter.
It seems to me like this season has been brutal in the injury category for many teams. I feel fortunate that the Chargers stayed as healthy as they did. That's also one thing that hasn't seemed to hit the Pats much, and has obviously added to their success.
I'm not failing to remember anything. What I said is true of this year. It's just pure logic that a healthy team typically gains some percentage more of an advantage over a team with key injuries when those teams play. In some cases those injuries and lack of injuries change the outcome of a game, and in some cases they don't. The Patriots seem to not have had many key injuries, and that has helped them to do so well. That's not the only reason they are doing well, but it has increased their advantage a certain amount in games where they have played teams with key injuries. Did it change the outcomes of those games? I have no idea, but it could have.