The Sports Thread

and all the while had some of the great offenses. His weak defenses do not take away from his and others poor offensive showings.

Bro, do you really know anything about football strategy or even how the game works? Colts defense sucked balls for the longest time. Since they sucked so bad, it put the Colts offense in a bind and forced them to play comeback a majority of the time. Meaning, alot of passing, and very little running. If a defensive coordinator or a headcoach knows (which ends up being pretty obvious) that a team is going have to throw the ball alot, it's really easy to change your defensive schemes to protect against the pass or at least defend the only thing the offense can do. So, logic tells us that a team with some smart and talented players could have a very good chance to continually stop the opposing offense.

Ironically, that is how the Colts defense is run under Tony Dungy.
What else does he have to accomplish? He has more records than your boy Brady. By the time he retires he'll have every fucking record imaginable. That 50 tds Brady threw isn't near as impressive as what Peyton did in '04. It's not hard to score a shit ton of tds when you just throw bombs to Randy Moss, not to mention all the garbage tds he threw when they were done beating people down and pissing in their mouths. Oh and did I mention that Peyton threw 49 tds in SIX LESS QUARTERs? I didn't, my bad. And ultimately, the one thing that matters most. The one thing that puts him over the hump of the greatest (for now) QB of all time (Dan Marino), is that he has won a Championship.

The greatest of alltime? Your disrespecting many guys that incl. Montana, Young, Aikman, Bradshaw, Staubach, Elway- that I would have the respect to at least wait until comparing Brady to. You already have Manning over them?:lol:
Peyton has never thrown garbage touchdowns right? Even including this years Pats offense, He's had the better offensive weapons throughout his career and yet Brady has done more with what he has had. Forget the records, even them Brady is closing in on. Give me the "clutch performances" and titles ala Montana, Elway, Young and yes Brady any day.
Bro, do you really know anything about football strategy or even how the game works? Colts defense sucked balls for the longest time. Since they sucked so bad, it put the Colts offense in a bind and forced them to play comeback a majority of the time. Meaning, alot of passing, and very little running. If a defensive coordinator or a headcoach knows (which ends up being pretty obvious) that a team is going have to throw the ball alot, it's really easy to change your defensive schemes to protect against the pass or at least defend the only thing the offense can do. So, logic tells us that a team with some smart and talented players could have a very good chance to continually stop the opposing offense.

Ironically, that is how the Colts defense is run under Tony Dungy.

Stop making excuses, we are talking about the QB's and thier respective offenses and overall teams. Manning has had the offense all over Brady for the most part of his career and despite his weak defenses, in the playoffs he has spit the bit and not produced offensively which has been the strength of thier team.
The greatest of alltime? Your disrespecting many guys that incl. Montana, Young, Aikman, Bradshaw, Staubach, Elway- that I would have the respect to at least wait until comparing Brady to. You already have Manning over them?:lol:
Even including this years Pats offense, Peyton has had the better offensive weapons throughout his career and yet Brady has done more with what he has had. Forget the records, even them Brady is closing in on. Give me the "clutch performances" and titles ala Montana, Elway, Young and yes Brady any day.

I'm not disrespecting anyone. Problem is, none of those other QBs have done what Peyton has done and will do by the time he retires. The only difference is that those other QBs you named were on some of the best TEAMS OF ALL TIME. Meaning alot of those teams could have any above average QB fill in and been just fine. Bradshaw for one comes to mine. He never was that great imo.

I don't understand why you want to use the fact that the Patriots weren't willing to keep their good receivers and pay them the money they deserved against him. So what he's had better receivers than Brady? Even when Brady had arguably the best receiving corps this year, broke all of these offensive records, and went 18-0, it was all for nothing. They fucking lost in the Super Bowl. The best offense to ever show up on the field was fucking shut down. All this bullshit talk about how Brady is better, the Pats never had the receivers that Manning had is just bullshit. THEY HAD THE FUCKING RECEIVERS THIS YEAR AND LOOK WHAT HAPPENED! Mr. Clutch didn't bring the Lombardi trophy home the one time he actually had good receivers. It's about time to you came up with a new argument.

Let me show you why I think Peyton will be the best QB ever:

1. Infinite amount of records? Check.
2. Invented a completely unique style of QB play (like all of the rest of the greats)? Check.
3. Won a championship? Check.

Seems like a winner to me. Since we are arguing whether who is better, let's try this one on for size. Does Brady call his own plays? And I don't just me audibles to run plays or receiver quick hits. I mean, go up to the line of scrimmage. Survey the field, decipher what you see, make sense of what play would be best to run, and actually complete said play? Nah, I don't fucking think so. Brady is like every other QB in the fact that he is just a robot out there. Doing what he is told, when he is told.

One thing that bothers the shit out of me is this whole argument about how "clutch" someone is. Excuse me for liking the idea that the team I root for doesn't have to play like shit on offense for 59 minutes of a game to finally start doing what they are paid to do to finally win the game. But when it comes to Brady, it doesn't even count. 90% of the time he relied on Vinatieri to kick a field goal because he couldn't punch it into the endzone. Lets not forget last year in the AFCCG, with 1 minute left in the game, "Mr. Clutch" was given an opportunity to do what he is said to do better than any QB in the league, or in NFL history, laid the second biggest turd in his career by throwing an interception. Wow, that was pretty clutch of him. I'm not going to even get into this years Super Bowl. I just found it hilarious that their season ended the way it began as well as how he set all of his "records." Throwing prayers to Moss and letting him do all the work.
He's one of the best no doubt. But like Brady, he was lucky enough to be on some great teams. Marino is the best quarterback ever. There really is no comparison.

True, I just feel like Montana has to be mentioned in any talk of greatest quarterback ever for the same reason I think Brady has to be in it. It pains me to say this due to my deep hatred for the 49ers (especially 80's teams that stole a few Super Bowls from the Cowboys) and my obvious disdain for Brady. Steve Young also needs to be mentioned because he ended his career with an ungodly 96.8 quarterback rating.

Unfortunately, Marino never got to claim a ring because the Dolphins constantly filled his backfield with the likes of Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.
I'm not disrespecting anyone. Problem is, none of those other QBs have done what Peyton has done and will do by the time he retires. The only difference is that those other QBs you named were on some of the best TEAMS OF ALL TIME. Meaning alot of those teams could have any above average QB fill in and been just fine. Bradshaw for one comes to mine. He never was that great imo.

I don't understand why you want to use the fact that the Patriots weren't willing to keep their good receivers and pay them the money they deserved against him. So what he's had better receivers than Brady? Even when Brady had arguably the best receiving corps this year, broke all of these offensive records, and went 18-0, it was all for nothing. They fucking lost in the Super Bowl. The best offense to ever show up on the field was fucking shut down. All this bullshit talk about how Brady is better, the Pats never had the receivers that Manning had is just bullshit. THEY HAD THE FUCKING RECEIVERS THIS YEAR AND LOOK WHAT HAPPENED! Mr. Clutch didn't bring the Lombardi trophy home the one time he actually had good receivers. It's about time to you came up with a new argument.

Let me show you why I think Peyton will be the best QB ever:

1. Infinite amount of records? Check.
2. Invented a completely unique style of QB play (like all of the rest of the greats)? Check.
3. Won a championship? Check.

Seems like a winner to me. Since we are arguing whether who is better, let's try this one on for size. Does Brady call his own plays? And I don't just me audibles to run plays or receiver quick hits. I mean, go up to the line of scrimmage. Survey the field, decipher what you see, make sense of what play would be best to run, and actually complete said play? Nah, I don't fucking think so. Brady is like every other QB in the fact that he is just a robot out there. Doing what he is told, when he is told.

One thing that bothers the shit out of me is this whole argument about how "clutch" someone is. Excuse me for liking the idea that the team I root for doesn't have to play like shit on offense for 59 minutes of a game to finally start doing what they are paid to do to finally win the game. But when it comes to Brady, it doesn't even count. 90% of the time he relied on Vinatieri to kick a field goal because he couldn't punch it into the endzone. Lets not forget last year in the AFCCG, with 1 minute left in the game, "Mr. Clutch" was given an opportunity to do what he is said to do better than any QB in the league, or in NFL history, laid the second biggest turd in his career by throwing an interception. Wow, that was pretty clutch of him. I'm not going to even get into this years Super Bowl. I just found it hilarious that their season ended the way it began as well as how he set all of his "records." Throwing prayers to Moss and letting him do all the work.

Give Manning Randy Moss and you might see the touchdown passes reach the 60's.
I'd take Harrison over Moss any day. Moss has had a handful of good years, Harrison's entire career has been good. Mind you I'm not really trying to compare the two, however knowing that year in and out you have a corps of receivers that are going to play their best is a bit more comforting.
They trade for him acting like they were going to try and go somewhere, and then they immediately went into rebuilding mode. They did nothing to get any better on offense. When you enter a season with Aaron Brooks, Andrew Walter, and Marques Tuiasosopo as your choices at quarterback, you fail. Especially when they all spent the time they were trying to pass on their back. Then they hire an offensive coordinator who was running a bed and breakfast before his endeavor in NFL football.

Perhaps quit wouldn't be the correct terminology, but the symmetry in the statement I made worked with said wording.

In conclusion, I really just think Randy Moss hates losing immensely and doesn't feel the need to try if he doesn't think they have a chance anyways.

If Life Sucks does not honor the bet, he should be banned. Just my two cents, friends and neighbors.
Well, King Richard said he would take me up on a different bet (putting Eli and Peyton in my sig), however, he said he was only kidding after the loss when I asked him to provide me with the images to put in my sig. So, as he was not serious, I have a proposal. Nec can feel free to ban me from the Social Form (for a few days, or even forever if he wants). That would make most sense, as I was only ever an annoying poster here in the Social Form (more specifically, the Sports Thread). I know that it is possible to ban someone from the Social Forum only. Nec, if you do decide to ban me from the Social Forum, please give me a heads up. However, I do maintain that I do not deserve to be banned from UM alltogether.