I just read your whole discussion, and I have to say that you are one stupid motherfucker. You really, really are, and it isn't just your poor english.
Keep in mind here that I am not a big fan of American football, and yet even I can see clearly why people here love it so much. You have shown that you truley don't get it. "Here you catch the ball and run" is only one of the offensive strategies employed in football. Not only is American Football is highly complex game, but the guys playing it are fucking massive, ridiculously strong, and they fucking destroy each other. By the way, the American Football is also played in Canada and Europe.
We don't like soccer here for a few reasons. The biggest reason is that it isn't ours. The most popular sports in American are the ones that started here, like Football, Baseball and NASCAR. Football and Baseball are also the two most popular team sports here because they are both very complex games. People can watch baseball for their entire lives and still not understand some of the subtleties of the game. Baseball is difficult to get into, but once you start to understand the game, it becomes exciting.
Soccer isn't our game, so that's strike one. Strike two, it is not a very complex game- having to employ strategy does not make a game complex, just so you know (ALL sports and games require strategy); the objest of the game is still simplistic (kick the ball into the net). And strike three: Soccer is for little girls.
Nikki: Do you work with the Phillies / for CB Park or something?