The Sports Thread

Not to be a troll but I find baseball the stupidest sport in existance. Its boring to watch because good players hit the ball 1/4 of the time. The same stuff pretty much happens, its usually strike, or ball, or hit, run, catch, home run. Its really boring. I don't watch sports, they are more fun to play, but baseball is boring because its boring to wait to bat or to be in the out field waiting for someone to hit.

I don't understand how people can start fights over baseball teams. Its just gay.

at the right time, watching baseball can be really nerve racking, but yeah most the time it can be boring. its really fun to play, and its a sport where you dont have to have great physical attributes, just basic skills of the game.

oh yeah, dont the saints/colts play today?
chargers are about to get destroyed by DEM BEARS on sunday


I like the Saints. They have an ex-Chargers QB and Place Kicker. Drew Breese is da man! I am looking for them to step up and get some respect back for the weak NFC.

I have always hated the Cowboys (what a stupid team name) but they now have ex-Charger defensive coordinator Wade Phillips as head coach, so I have to give them some respect.

The giants can suck it! Stupid Eli Manning was supposed to play for San Diego but refused. His loss, flippin whiner! Now he can rot with that suckfest, and we are more than happy with Phillip Rivers.
The giants can suck it! Stupid Eli Manning was supposed to play for San Diego but refused. His loss, flippin whiner! Now he can rot with that suckfest, and we are more than happy with Phillip Rivers.

I'd be glad if I were you, I don't think eli will pan out.
Mathiäs;6490850 said:
I'd be glad if I were you, I don't think eli will pan out.

I am glad. It's funny how much of a question he is on the minds of sport commentators. It's only becuase of his big brother. If it wasn't for Peyton, Eli would be nobody. I mean, maybe he will end up good, but if it wasn't for big bro, nobody would even be looking at him.
I do hope he does well. I like Peyton, good player and not a jackass like most players. He also needs to get out of New York. That's a sinking ship that's gonna take a lot of work to fix
i hate all quaterbacks in the NFL (excluding romo) because the rules make them seem like they are less football players, and more just arms that you prop up on the field, and better be damn careful how you hit!

Did you hear they are loosening up the roughing the passer calls this year? They are apparently leaving the call to the discrimination of the officials as to the intent of the contact. I am sure this will cause problems, but hopefully will also speed the game up and avoid some of the overly dumb calls.
thank GOD!

i also hate how the NFL seems like they want to get rid of fumbles. everytime there is a fumble, they instantly start going " ok, now the knee is...THERE! see it?! now the question is was the ball out fist?" or " but you see, the arm was going forward!" i remember i watched a packers game, and running back Samcon Gado got tackled in the endzone, and the officials overturned it, and said it was an incomplete pass. they need to let them just be fucking fumbles!